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ReconPro Classic Mobile App
Help articles on ReconPro Classic mobile app for iOS devices
Create an inspection
Edit an inspection
Approve or decline an inspection
Approve or decline all selected inspections
Email an inspection
Change inspection customer
Copy inspections
Capture video and photo for inspection notes
Use flash while taking pictures
Use zoom while making pictures or recording video notes
Send an inspection by email or fax
Send multiple inspections by email
Edit service expenses in inspections
Inspection Approval Threshold
Inspection icons meaning
View damages as a list on the Visual screen of inspections
View inspections assigned to teams in the same area
Auto-calculating supplements for new inspections
Lot Walk
Create a work order
Edit a work order
Save work orders as draft or final
Email a work order
Send a work order by fax
Send multiple work orders by email or fax
Print work orders
Approve a work order
Approve multiple work orders
Approve multiple work orders on the My Work Orders screen
Set named filters for team work orders
Create an invoice from a work order
Create an invoice from multiple work orders
Create separate invoices from multiple work orders in mobile app
Change the status of monitored work orders
Assign technician to phase services of monitored work orders
Turn on notifications of existing work orders with the same VIN
Add, edit, and delete services of team work order based on employee role
Update your work order pictures
View assigned services on the Team Work Orders screen
Work Order Icons Meaning
Time-limited editing of team work orders
Condition-dependent color of work order status icons
Allow selecting a repair location on the Vehicle screen for work orders
Service request icons meaning
Create service requests
Service request workflow
Add notes to services in service requests
Access order monitor from service requests
View information on vehicle recalls in service requests
View service requests assigned to teams in the same area
Split service request appointment time between multiple technicians
Duplicate checking for service requests
Set named filters for service requests