You can capture video and photo notes while creating or editing inspections.
Note By default the video recording mode is turned off.
To turn on the video recording mode
On the Home screen, tap Settings, and then on the Settings screen, in the Image section, turn on the Video Capture option.
Note If the Video Capture option is turned off, you can only take photos for inspection notes, while if the Video Capture option is turned on, you can both take photos and record videos.
To capture video
1. Tap Notes on any screen of the inspection wizard.
Tip You can also tap the appropriate inspection on the My Inspections screen or the Team Inspections screen, and then tap Notes.
2. On the Notes screen, tap Photo, and then tap Camera.
Note If ReconPro doesn’t have access to camera on your device, please turn on the Camera option for ReconPro.
3. In the video recording mode you can do the following:
Tap Start Recording at the bottom of the screen to start recording video.
Tap Stop Recording at the bottom of the screen to stop recording video.
Tap Exit in the upper-left corner of the screen to exit video recording mode.
Note If you don’t stop recording video, it will stop automatically in 30 seconds after start.
4. In the video recording mode you can also tap the screen to take photos at any time, whether video is being recorded or not.
Note In the upper-right corner of the screen there is an icon that defines whether photo marker mode is on.
5. You can add text notes (comments) to photos.
On the Notes screen, tap the appropriate image, and then tap Notes.
Type the text that you want, tap Done, and then tap Save.
6. You can watch the video you have filmed.
On the Notes screen, tap the appropriate video, and then tap Play.
Tip To exit video player mode, tap Done.