You can print one work order or multiple work orders from the mobile app.
Note Work orders printing supports only new printing feature (HTML Printing), so you can print work orders from device only if print templates are set up for your Back Office application.ย
Required Subscriptions
Features: Print Management
To print a work order on the My Work Orders screen, tap the appropriate work order, and then tap Print.
Tip You can also tap Summary, and then on the Summary screen, tap Print.
To print multiple work orders on the My Work Orders screen, tap the Multi-Select icon, tap the work orders that you want to print...
...tap the Multi-Select icon again, and then on the Actions screen, tap Print.
To print a work order on the Team Work Orders screen, tap the appropriate work order, and then tap Print.
To print multiple work orders on the Team Work Orders screen, tap the Multi-Select icon, tap the work orders that you want to print...
...tap the Multi-Select icon again, and then on the Actions screen, tap Print.