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Repair360 Back Office 4.4.6

What’s New in Repair360 Back Office version 4.4.6

Written by Allie Ray
Updated over a week ago

Map client’s services to vendor’s services

We have added a new setting that allows vendors to map their services to specific services in the client’s application. Before, vendors could only map all client’s services to just one generic repair bundle or money service. Now vendors can map multiple services properly so that when the vendor work order is created it will include the appropriate services according to the mapping, which also means a more accurate export to NetSuite, QuickBooks, etc.

Set up vendor work orders creation

We have added the ‘Vendor WO Creation’ setting that defines how vendor work orders are created. Before, vendor work orders were always automatically, but some vendors wanted to create them manually, and others preferred not to create them at all.

  • If the ‘Do Not Create’ option is selected, no vendor work order is created automatically, and there is no way to create a vendor work order manually.

  • If the ‘Automatically’ option is selected, vendor work order is created automatically when vendor technicians complete the last vendor service assigned to the vendor team in the given repair order. If for some reason vendor work order was not created automatically, vendor technician can still create it manually.

  • If the ‘Manually’ option is selected, when vendor technicians complete the last service assigned to their team in the given repair order, vendor technicians are prompted to create a vendor work order. If for some reasons vendor technicians do not create a vendor work order right after completing the last vendor service, they can create it later manually.

View missing vendor work orders

If for some reason, vendor work orders were not created automatically or manually, there is a risk that completed work will not be invoiced, so we added the ‘Missing Vendor Work Orders’ view for vendors to be aware of any work that remains without vendor work orders.

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