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Global Roles
Written by Allie Ray
Updated over a week ago

Global roles are preconfigured roles available out of the box for all applications.

Back Office global roles:

  • Administrators have access to all settings, operational and reporting data

  • Accountants have access to all operational and reporting data and some settings

  • Technicians have access to repair orders and reporting data of their team

  • Work Managers have access to some operational and reporting data

  • Work Managers - Read Only has “view” access to some operational and reporting data

  • Team Work Managers have access to operational and reporting data of their teams

  • Area Work Managers have access to operational and reporting data of their areas only

  • Team Administrators have access to settings, operational and reporting data limited by their team scope

  • Area Administrators have access to settings, operational and reporting data limited by their area scope

Mobile App global roles

  • Employees have access to most of the mobile application data and features, but they cannot approve inspections and work orders

  • Inspectors have the same level of access as employees, but they can approve inspections and work orders.

  • Managers have full access to all mobile application data and features

When you create a new role you can select one of the available global roles so that the new role can automatically inherit the permissions of the selected global role.

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