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View inspection details

See customer information, vehicle information, text and image notes, visual inspection, and list of services added to inspection

Written by Allie Ray
Updated over a week ago

On the right side of the Inspections page you can see the Inspection detail view with customer and vehicle information, text and image notes, visual inspection, and the list of services. 

In the Customer Info section you can see the following customer details:

  • Name

  • Address

  • Email

  • Phone

In the Vehicle Info section you can see the following vehicle details:

  • Vehicle: Year, Color, Make, Model

  • VIN

  • License Plate

  • Stock#

  • RO#

  • Mileage

In the Notes section you may see text notes and image notes (if inspection notes were added). 

Tip To show an image note in full size, click the appropriate image thumbnail.

In the Visual Inspection section you can see the visual form and the legend.

  • Visual form shows damage icons on vehicle panels

  • Legend explains the meaning of damage icons  

Tip To show the visual form in full size, click the Zoom icon.

In the Services section you can see details of services added to the inspection.

  • Service Name

  • Price

  • Quantity

  • Amount

  • Notes

Tip To see service notes, point to the Notes icon next to the appropriate service.

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