You can specify the following settings of a goal:
Active toggle defines if the goal is active (ON) or inactive (OFF)
Learn more about activating and deactivating goals
Name field lets you give a goal a unique name so that you can easily distinguish it from other goals when searching, generating reports, etc.
You can change the goal name at any time
Goal name is required
Measurement list allows you to select one of the available measurements for your goal
The list contains the following items:
Number of completed repair orders
Number of completed repair order services
You can select a measurement when creating a new goal and you cannot change the selected measurement after saving the goal
Goal measurement is required
Service list allows you to select a service to limit the scope of the goal
The list of services is available only for the following measurements:
Number of completed repair order services
You need to enter at least 3 characters to see the list of services that correspond to your search term
You can select a service when creating a new goal and you cannot change the selected service after saving the goal
Service is required
Location list allows you to select a repair location to limit the scope of the goal
The list of repair locations is available only for the following measurements:
Number of completed repair orders
Number of completed repair order services
You need to enter at least 3 characters to see the list of repair locations that correspond to your search term
You can select a location when creating a new goal and you cannot change the selected location after saving the goal
Location is optional (if no location is selected, the goal scope is not limited by any repair location)
Learn more about location level goals
Team list allows you to select a team to limit the scope of the goal
You need to enter at least 3 characters to see the list of teams that correspond to your search term
If a location is selected, the team list will contain only teams assigned to the selected location (default and additional locations)
You can select a team when creating a new goal and you cannot change the selected team after saving the goal
Team is optional (if no team is selected, the goal scope is not limited by any team)
Learn more about team level goals
Employee list allows you to select an employee to limit the scope of the goal
You need to enter at least 3 characters to see the list of employees that correspond to your search term
If a location is selected, the employee list will contain only employees from the teams assigned to the selected location
If a team is selected, the employee list will contain only employees from the selected team
You can select an employee when creating a new goal and you cannot change the selected employee after saving the goal
Employee is optional (if no employee is selected, the goal scope is not limited by any employee)
Learn more about employee level goals
Start Date picker allows you to select a date when the goal starts
You can select a date starting from the current date (you cannot select a date that has already passed) and up to 2 years ahead
You can select a start date when creating a new goal and you cannot change the selected start date after saving the goal
Start date is required
End Date picker allows you to select a date when the goal ends
You can select a date starting from the current date (you cannot select a date that has already passed) and up to 2 years ahead
You can select an end date when creating a new goal and you cannot change the selected start date after saving the goal but if the end date was not selected you can select it when editing the goal
End date is optional
Value field lets you set a number that must be reached within the selected period
You can change the value at any time, but the changes become effective in the next period (i.e. the next day, the next week, the next month accordingly)
Goal value is required
Period list allows you to select one of the available periods within which the goal value should be reached
The list contains the following items:
You can select a period when creating a new goal and you cannot change the selected period after saving the goal
Goal period is required
Visibility list allows you to specify where the goal tracker will be shown
The list contains the following items:
Mobile App Only
Back Office Only
You can select visibility when creating a new goal and you cannot change the selected visibility after saving the goal
Goal tracker visibility is required
Show Calculated Goals checkbox defines if only the goal value for the selected period must be tracked (OFF) or the goal value for larger periods must be also tracked (ON).
You can enable or disable showing calculated goals at any time
Showing calculated goals is optional