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Repair Cycle Time Report
Written by Allie Ray
Updated over a week ago

The ‘Repair Cycle Time’ report shows the average repair time spent on vehicles, as well as active, on-hold, or idle time.

Note Deleted work orders are not displayed in the ‘Repair Cycle Time’ report

Important The report shows the data of repair orders in which the active/current phase is the ‘Completed’ phase (this phase is created for repair locations automatically, see the screenshot below) and only if at least one 100% completed service (i.e. completed, audited, etc., but not skipped or refused).

Tip We recommend that you set up the working hours for your repair locations to get the appropriate report data…

…and turn on the ‘Start Service Required’ setting for phases to track the idle time.

You can filter the report data by the following parameters:

  • Location: you can select either all or a specific repair location

  • WO Type: you can select either all or a specific work order type

  • Customer: you can leave the field empty to show the data for any customer or select a specific customer

  • From/To: you can specify the date range within which repairs were started and completed

  • Exclude Closed RO: you can define whether repair orders closed for specific reasons must not be included in the report data

You can also change the report layout to show specific details:

  • Show Details: you can select this option to see the repair information per vehicle

  • Include Phase Details: you can select this option to show the repair cycle time per phase

  • Include Department Details: you can select this option to show the repair cycle time per department

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