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Invoice Types (Overview)
Written by Allie Ray
Updated over a week ago

An invoice type is a group of settings that define what invoice options are available for the mobile app users and the Back Office users.

You can view and enter invoice type settings on the following pages:

  • Invoice Types List

  • Invoice Type Details

  • Wizard

  • Clients

  • Email Options

  • Audit Log

Invoice Types List

You can use the Invoice Types page to add, edit, and delete invoice types.

  • To add a new invoice type, click Add on the toolbar, enter settings, and click OK.

  • To modify an existing invoice type, click Edit next to the appropriate type, change settings, and click OK.

  • To remove an existing invoice type, click Delete next to the appropriate type, and click OK in the message box.

Note You can click Set as Default next to one of the invoice types to make it default.

Tip To see the history of changes to an invoice type, click Audit Log next to the appropriate type.

Invoice Type Details

You can enter the following invoice type settings:

  • Type Name The ‘Type Name’ setting is required; when you create a new invoice, you select the type name in the list of invoice types.

  • Description The ‘Description’ setting is used to provide additional information about the invoice type.

  • Set as Default The ‘Set as Default’ setting allows you to define which invoice type will be used by default

  • PO# The ‘PO#’ setting defines whether invoice PO# is visible and required.

    • If the Visible checkbox is selected, then you can enter PO# when creating an invoice of the given type, as well as change PO# for existing invoices of this type.

    • If the Required checkbox is also selected, then you must enter PO# when creating invoices of the given type.

  • Sharing The 'Sharing' setting defines if technicians can manage their own invoices only or also invoices created by other technicians from their team.

    • If the ‘No Sharing’ checkbox is selected, then invoices created on your mobile device will be available in the ‘My Invoices’ mode on your mobile device only.

    • If the ‘Team Sharing’ option is selected, then invoices created on your mobile device will be also available in the ‘Team Invoices’ mode on the mobile devices of your team.

  • Visibility The ‘Visibility’ setting is available only if the ‘Team Sharing’ option is selected.

    • ‘My’ means that logged-in users will see only their invoices on the Team Invoices screen.

    • ‘Team’ means that logged-in users will see both their invoices and team invoices on the Team Invoices screen.

  • Questions Template The ‘Question Template’ setting allows you to assign question form print template to invoice type so that only question sections included in it will be shown on invoice printouts

  • Wholesale Email Template The ‘Wholesale email template’ setting indicates the email template that will be used for sending by email the invoices of the given type to the wholesale customers.

  • Retail Email Template The ‘Retail email template’ setting indicates the email template that will be used for sending by email the invoices of the given type to the retail customers.

  • Allow Edit Date The ‘Allow Edit Date’ setting defines if mobile app users can change the invoice date. If the ‘Allow Edit Date’ check box is not selected, the invoice date is read-only.

  • Allow Single WO Type The 'Allow Single WO Type' setting defines if the invoice can contain only work orders with the same work order type

  • Allow Client Changing The ‘Allow client changing’ setting defines if the invoice can be reassigned to another customer, i.e. users can tap ‘Change Customer’ to select another retail or wholesale customer for invoices of the given type.

  • Draft Mode The ‘Draft Mode’ setting defines whether invoices can be saved as draft. If the Draft Mode check box is selected, then your team can save invoices as draft and then edit draft invioices.

  • Date Mode The ‘Date Mode’ setting defines whether the invoice date can be set manually when creating an invoice or automatically when saving it as final.

    • If the ‘Create’ date mode is selected, you can set the invoice date manually when you create an invoice,

    • if the ‘Final’ date mode is selected, the invoice date is set automatically when you save the invoice as final.

  • Email Pictures The ‘Email Pictures’ setting defines if the invoice pictures will be attached to the email.

  • In ZIP The ‘In ZIP’ setting enables sending invoice pictures as compressed ZIP folder

  • Accounting ID The ‘Accounting ID’ setting is used for integration with third-party applications

  • Customer Approval Required The 'Customer Approval Required' setting defines if the 'Approve' button is available when you tap invoices of this type on the ‘Invoices’ screen in the mobile app.

    • If the ‘Email Invoice’ checkbox is selected and the ‘Customer Approval Required’ check box is selected, the invoice will not be automatically sent by email until it is approved by drawing a signature on the mobile device screen. If the Customer Approval Required check box is not selected, invoice approval will be available but not required.

  • Block Editing After Approval If the ‘Block Editing After Approval’ check box is selected, the mobile app users cannot edit invoices of this type after they have been approved.

  • Approval Disclaimer Showing Mode The ‘Approval Disclaimer Showing Mode’ setting defines how the invoice approval disclaimer is shown on the Approve Invoices screen:

    • If ‘Always’, then the disclaimer is shown when you tap invoice.

    • If ‘Show as link’, then the disclaimer is shown only when you open it.

  • Approval Disclaimer The ‘Approval Disclaimer’ setting allows you to enter the disclaimer text.

Question Forms

On the ‘Question Forms’ tab, you can assign question forms to the given invoice type. Assigned question forms are shown as separate screens when you create or edit an invoice on the mobile device.

  • To assign a question form to the invoice type, click the appropriate form in the ‘Available Question Forms’ list, and then click the right-pointing arrow.

  • To remove an assigned question form from the work order type, click the appropriate form in the ‘Assigned Question Forms’ list, and click the left-pointing arrow.

  • To assign all question forms to the work order type, click the right-pointing double arrow.

  • To remove all question forms from the work order type, click the left-pointing double arrow.

Print Templates

On the ‘Print Templates’ tab, you can assign one or multiple print templates to an invoice type both for retail and wholesale clients.

  • Select the ‘Use New Printing’ check box, and then on the ‘Wholesale print templates’ tab and the ‘Retail print templates’ tab, assign the appropriate print templates, and click OK.


On the Invoice Wizard page, you can define the order in which the invoice information is shown when creating a new invoice on the mobile device. The form at the top of the list is shown the first, while the form at the bottom of the list is shown the last.

To set the order of the forms, in the Order column, click the arrows to move the appropriate form up or down the list, or drag the form to the place that you want.

Invoice Info

The ‘Invoice Info’ form is enabled by default and you cannot change its status or remove it from the list.

Question Forms

The ‘Question Forms’ automatically appear on the Wizard page after you assign question forms to invoice type on the Question Forms tab.

  • To remove a question form, click Delete next to the appropriate question form.


On the ‘Clients’ page, you can assign customers for which the given invoice type is available while creating a new invoice.

  • If you want the invoice type to be available for all customers, you should not assign clients to this type at all.

  • If you want the invoice type to be available for one or several customers only, add them to the ‘Assigned Clients’ list.

  • If you want the invoice type to be not available for one or several customers only, add them to the ‘Excluded Clients’ list.

Tip To remove a customer from the ‘Assigned Clients’ list or the ‘Excluded Clients’ list, click Delete next to the appropriate customer.

Email Options

On the ‘Email Options’ page, you can define whether the invoice must be sent from a company email address, an area email address, a technician email address, or a custom email address.

Note You can set up the email options for all invoice types and for a specific invoice type.

The following options can be selected for the ‘From’ email address:

  • Use Parent-level Settings

  • Use Technician Email Address

  • Use Area Email Address

  • Custom

    • From Address:

    • From Display Name:

Audit Log

On the 'Audit Log' page, you can see what changes were made to each inspection type, as well as who made these changes and when.

  • Click the ‘Audit Log’ icon next to the appropriate inspection type.

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