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ReconPro mobile app 2.16.2 for iOS

What's new in ReconPro mobile app version 2.16.2 for iOS devices

Written by Allie Ray
Updated over a week ago

Quick Actions

With the Quick Actions feature, you can scan VIN or Stock # of a vehicle, find actions available for this vehicle, and then take these actions right away.

For example, if you need to quickly update the status of monitored work order phase or service, create a new inspection from a service request, or update services in existing inspection, you can save your time and skip all the steps you normally take, like finding the appropriate inspection or work order, browsing to the appropriate screen, etc.

Turn on or turn off downloading images for service requests

We have added a new setting that turns on or turns off automatic downloading service request images from Back Office to your mobile device. 

For example, if this setting is turned off on your mobile device, when you edit a service request with images added on another mobile device or in Back Office (i.e. they have not been saved on your mobile device), these images will not be downloaded to your mobile device. 

Note By default automatic downloading of service request images is turned off. 

To turn on downloading service request images

  • On the Home screen, tap Settings, and then in the Service Requests section, enable the Download Images option. 

Time format in labor price matrix has been truncated to one decimal place

When you edit the Time value for a vehicle part in a price matrix of the Labor type, you can enter only one digit after the decimal point.

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