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ReconPro Back Office (May 30, 2018)

What's new in ReconPro Back Office application updated on May 30, 2018

Written by Allie Ray
Updated over a week ago

Configure question answers in print template editor

We have added the Question Answers option to print template configurations that use fixed-size template editor, so now you can set up the display of question answers on printouts of inspections, work orders, and invoices. 

Required Subscriptions:

  • Features: Print Management

  • Print Package: Custom Editable Template Package

For example, if the background of your print template configuration is a vehicle condition form, you can select the appropriate question section and drag the questions about vehicle and its condition to the appropriate position in the template editor... that question answers can be automatically populated when generating the print preview. 

Select a labor type for labor services

You can select a labor type when adding or editing labor services, so that their labor rates can be adjusted accordingly.

Required Subscriptions:

  • Feature: Labor Services

Note You need to configure labor types before you can select them for services. 

Parts Ordering report

We have added a new report that shows information about serviced vehicle and ordered parts in the format of a parts ordering form.

Required Subscriptions

  • Features: Parts Ordering - Basic

Improvements in assignment of services to question answers

We have made some enhancements related to question form sections, so now when you click the Services link for a question answer, you can search available services by name and use Money, Labor, and Parts quick filters to search available services by price type. 

Showing parts separately from other repair order services

Parts services are now displayed in a separate list below other services in repair order detail view. 

Note The list of parts has a different set of columns, such as Work Description, Part#, Hours, Part Price, Ordered From, Ordered Date, RCVD (Received). 

Restricting ability to reassign uncompleted services

When you want to switch an employee to another team, you can reassign uncompleted services to another employee from the same team, however, if there are no other employees in the team, this option is disabled, so the only way to switch employee’s team is to mark these services as completed.

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