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ReconPro Mobile App 2.15.0

What's new in ReconPro Mobile App version 2.15.0 for iOS devices

Written by Allie Ray
Updated over a week ago

Clone additional labor services assigned to matrix services

You can clone labor services on device if they are assigned as additional services to price matrix services.

Required Subscriptions:

Features: Hail Damage Package, Labor Price Type

Tip Please make sure that the appropriate services of the Labor price type are assigned to the corresponding vehicle parts in the Back Office application.

To clone additional matrix service

  • On the Vehicle Part screen of the matrix service, tap the Clone icon next to the appropriate additional labor service.

Note When you clone an additional labor service, the copy is created from a service with original settings, so even if you clone an additional service with a changed price and quantity, the cloned service will still have the original price and quantity.

Single view for work orders

We have combined the My Work Orders view and the Team Work Orders view into the single view called Work Orders...

...and added the My button and the Team button to the header of the Work Orders screens so that you can easily switch between your work orders and team work orders.

Note If either Work Orders or Team Work Orders is enabled for your device, then no buttons are shown on the header of the Work Orders screen.

When you search your work orders (the My mode is on) you don’t need to specify a particular work order field any more because now the keyword is searched among all appropriate work order fields.

Hiding search bar and keyboard to show more search results

When you search inspections, work orders, invoices, etc. in the ReconPro HD version, and tap the Search button (or the Hide Keyboard button)…

...the search bar and the keyboard are hidden so that you can see more search results on the screen.

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