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ReconPro QuickBooks Exporter for QuickBooks Desktop Edition
ReconPro QuickBooks Exporter for QuickBooks Desktop Edition
Written by Allie Ray
Updated over a week ago

With QuickBooks Exporter for QuickBooks Desktop Edition you can export invoices, vendor bills, and customers from ReconPro to QuickBooks, as well as import customers, classes, and services from QuickBooks to ReconPro.


  1. Setup

  2. Download

  3. Installation

  4. Getting access to QuickBooks company file

2. Registration

3. Settings

  • General settings

  • Invoice settings

  • Customer settings

  • Vendor bills settings

  • Other settings

4. Export / Import

  • Export invoices and vendor bills

  • Export customers

  • Import customers

  • Import services

  • Import classes

1. Setup

The QuickBooks Exporter setup process includes download, installing, and getting access to the QuickBooks company file.

Important! We strongly recommend to turn off the Keep QuickBooks running for quick startups option in QuickBooks before setting up ReconPro QuickBooks Exporter:

  • In QuickBooks, on the Edit menu, click Preferences.

  • In the left pane, click General, and then on the My Preferences tab, clear the Keep QuickBooks running for quick startups check box, and click OK.

  • Close QuickBooks, and then start QuickBooks again for the changes to take effect. 

This option may cause the following errors:


You can download QuickBooks Exporter from the Back Office application if your user account is assigned to the Administrator role.

To download the latest version of QuickBooks Exporter

  • On the Company tab, click Downloads; and then on the Downloads page, in the Accounting Software Exporters (QuickBooks) section, click QBooksExporterSetup.exe.

Note On the Downloads page there is also the QBFC13_0Installer.exe link for downloading the QBE Patch that installs QuickBooks Foundation Class. If you face certain issues while using QuickBooks Exporter, you may need to download the QBE Patch upon the recommendation of AMT support specialists.


QuickBooks Exporter installation process is quick and easy.

  • Double-click the QBooksExporterSetup.exe file, and then in the Open File - Security Warning dialog box, click Run.

Tip We recommend installing QBooksExporter with administrative rights: right-click the QBooksExporterSetup.exe file, click Run as administrator, and then in the User Account Control dialog box, click Yes.

  • In the installation wizard, on the first page, click Next; on the Destination Folder page, click Next (or click Change to select a different folder); on the Ready to Install the Program page, click Install, and then on the final page click Finish.

Important! If you select the Launch the program check box on the final page, QuickBooks Exporter will start automatically, so please make sure that QuickBooks is running before you click Finish.

Note If you already have QuickBooks Exporter installed and its version is lower than v2.5.3.0, learn how to update QuickBooks Exporter to v2.5.3.0 and higher.

Getting access to QuickBooks company file

QuickBooks Exporter must be granted access rights to QuickBooks company file for importing and exporting data.

  • Start QuickBooks and open the appropriate company file.

  • Start QuickBooks Exporter.

Tip We recommend starting both QuickBooks and QuickBooks Exporter with administrative rights: right-click the QuickBooks and the QuickBooks Exporter icons or shortcuts, and click Run as administrator.

  • In the QuickBooks - Application Certificate dialog box, click the 'Yes, whenever this QuickBooks company file is open' option for the Do you want to allow this application to read and modify the company file? question, and then click Continue.

  • Click Done in the Access Confirmation message.

2. Registration

You may have multiple mappings for multiple QuickBooks companies within one Back Office application.

Note Users with the Administrator role can get registration codes, but they cannot create and edit mappings.

To get a registration code

  • On the Miscellaneous tab, click RDX Mappings, and then click the Register button next to the appropriate mapping.

Tip If you face any difficulties with getting a registration code for mapping that integrates your Back Office application with QuickBooks, please contact AMT support department.

To register a mapping

  • In the QuickBooks Exporter, click Register in the upper-right corner of the application window, and then in the Validating AMT ReconPro QuickBooks Exporter dialog box, paste the registration code into the Registration Code box, and click Validate.

On the Registration tab, you can see the details of registered mappings, as well as cancel registrations.

  • To cancel the registration, click Unregister next to the appropriate mapping.

Note If you don’t use mappings for QuickBooks integration, you need to generate a registration code for the whole Back Office application.

To generate a single registration code for the whole Back Office application

  • In the Back Office application, on the Company tab, in the Devices section, click Downloads; on the Downloads page, in the Generate Code for Accounting Software Exporter section, click Create Code, and then copy the generated code.

3. Settings

On the Settings tab, you can define how ReconPro invoices and vendor bills should be exported to QuickBooks.

General settings

  • Account is an account in QuickBooks to which invoices will be exported. It is a required setting, so if you don’t choose an account on the Settings tab, you will still be prompted to choose it before exporting.

  • Retail miscellaneous account is a customer in QuickBooks to which invoices of ReconPro retail clients will be exported. If you often export invoices created for many retail clients in ReconPro, it is a useful option to avoid creation of multiple one-time customers in QuickBooks.

  • Vendor Bill Account is an account in QuickBooks to which vendor bills will be exported. You can choose a vendor bill account only when the Export Vendor Bills check box is selected.

  • Retail Class lets you define a class that will be automatically assigned to exported invoices that were created for ReconPro retail clients.

Invoice settings

  • Use QuickBooks invoice number defines whether exported invoices will be given new numbers in QuickBooks instead of numbers they have in ReconPro. Note that the Use QuickBooks invoice number check box must not be selected, if the Override existing invoices check box is selected.

  • Include Tax Services defines whether “tax services” (ReconPro services of the Percentage price type with the selected Is Tax check box) should be included to the exported invoice. You can select the Include Tax Services option if you want invoice tax to be calculated in ReconPro.

  • Override existing invoices lets you update invoices that have already been exported to QuickBooks. In the Back Office, you must change invoice status to Draft, make appropriate changes or corrections, change invoice status to Approved, and then export it again with the Override Existing Invoices check box selected. Note that the Override Existing Invoices check box remains selected only until the QuickBook Exporter is open, so when you start the QuickBook Exporter next time, the Override Existing Invoices check box will not be selected.

  • To Be Printed automatically selects the Print Later check box for exported invoices.

Customer settings

  • Add Customer Name to Address lets show customer name at the top of the invoice address in QuickBooks.

  • Do not overwrite Customer fields defines the QuickBooks customer details that must not be overridden by ReconPro customer details.

  • Contact

  • Bill Address

  • Ship Address

  • Email

  • Phone

Note The same settings can be also entered on the Import/Export tab, and if you change these settings on one tab the changes are automatically applied on another tab.

Vendor bills settings

  • Export Vendor Bills lets export ReconPro vendor bills to QuickBooks.

  • Do not overwrite Vendor fields defines the QuickBooks vendor details that must not be overridden by ReconPro vendor details

  • Contact

  • Ship Address

  • Email

  • Phone

Other settings

  • Sending log to back office defines whether export logs will be sent to the Back Office application. We highly recommend turning this option on. You can see export logs on the QuickBooks Logs page on the Miscellaneous tab. Note that the 'Sending log to back office' check box is selected by default each time when you start QuickBooks Exporter.

  • Treat Warnings As Errors doesn’t allow exporting until the issue which caused warning is solved.

  • Use Extended Log adds invoice details, such as number, date, customer name, and amount to the export log. We highly recommend to turn this option on.

  • Export Payments adds information about payments to exported invoices.

4. Export / Import

You can export invoices and vendor bills from ReconPro to QuickBooks by clicking Export in the upper-right corner of the QuickBooks Exporter application window. On the Import / Export tab you can export customers from ReconPro to QuickBooks, and import customers, classes, and services from QuickBooks to ReconPro.

On the Export tab, you can see the details (log) of exporting and importing process.

Note You can use the toolbar options to show or hide messages, warnings, and errors, as well as click Get Log to open the export log in the Notepad text editor.

Tip If the export log contains any errors, you can find solutions for known errors in the QuickBooks  Troubleshooting.

Export invoices and vendor bills to QuickBooks

To export invoices and vendor bills

  • Click Export in the upper-right corner of the QuickBooks Exporter application window.

Note If you want to export vendor bills, the Export Vendor Bills check box must be selected on the Settings tab.

Export customers to QuickBooks

Before exporting customers you can enter the following settings in the From ReconPro to QuickBooks section:

  • Add Customer Name to Address lets show customer name at the top of the invoice address in QuickBooks.

  • Do not overwrite Customer fields defines the QuickBooks customer fields that must not be overridden by ReconPro customer fields.

  • Contact

  • Bill Address

  • Ship Address

  • Email

  • Phone

Note The same settings can be also entered on the Settings tab and if you change these settings on one tab the changes are automatically applied on another tab.

To export customers from ReconPro to QuickBooks

  • Click Export Customers, and then in the Customers List select the check boxes next to customers that you want to export, and click Add to Export.

Import customers to ReconPro

Before importing customers you can enter the following settings in the From QuickBooks to ReconPro section:

  • Customer Name in Address1 automatically adds customer name to the Address box on the Ship To and the Bill To tabs of ReconPro clients.

  • Include Jobs (Child customer elements) lets import QuickBooks customers with jobs; however, jobs will be imported to ReconPro as separate clients. The name of the client created from a job will have the [customer name:job name] format. Jobs with duplicate names cannot be imported to ReconPro.

  • Import clients as Retail / Wholesale (if Customer Type not defined) defines whether customers without type will be imported to ReconPro as wholesale or retail clients. Please make sure that customers imported as retail clients have first and last names and customers imported as wholesale clients have company name.

To import customers from QuickBooks to ReconPro

  • Click Import Customers, and then in the Customers List select the check boxes next to customers that you want to export, and click Add to Export.

Import services to ReconPro

You can import services (items) from QuickBooks to ReconPro.

To import services to ReconPro

  • Click Import Services, and then in the Services List select the check boxes next to customers that you want to export, and then click Add to Export.

Note If imported QuickBooks items have subitems, the name of ReconPro services created from subitems will have the [item:subitem] format.

Import classes to ReconPro

You can import QuickBooks classes to ReconPro and then assign classes to clients, so that when you export invoices created for clients with an assigned class, you can see the class in the exported invoice.

To import classes to ReconPro

  • In QuickBooks Exporter, on the Import/Export tab, click Import Classes.

To assign a class to a client in the Back Office application

  • On the Company tab, click Clients; on the Clients page, click Edit next to the appropriate client, and then in the Client dialog box, in the Class box, click the class that you want to assign.

Note QuickBooks classes can be also specified for ReconPro services in the Accounting ID field and then mapped to Class Name field of QuickBooks items, so that when you export invoices that have services with an assigned class, you can see this class in items of the exported invoice.

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