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Sage 50c Accounting Integration
Written by Allie Ray
Updated over a week ago

You can export invoices from ReconPro and import them as sales invoices to Sage50c Accounting.

Required Subscriptions:

  • Editions: Any

  • Features: Sage50Canadian

Basic workflow:

  1. Update names of clients and services

  2. Enter integration settings

  3. Export invoices from ReconPro

  4. (Optional) Edit import file

  5. Import sales invoices to Sage50

Update names of clients and services

You need to make certain changes in the names of clients and services to ensure a smooth integration:

  • Customers in Sage50 are Clients in ReconPro, so please make sure that clients in ReconPro have the same names as customers in Sage50, otherwise you will have to manually match them while importing.

Note Only wholesale clients in ReconPro are imported as customers in Sage50. If you export invoices for retail clients, they will not be linked to any customer after importing to Sage50 (also such invoices will be automatically marked as Paid).

  • Inventory Items in Sage50 are Services in ReconPro, so please make sure that service name in ReconPro is the same as inventory item number in Sage, otherwise you will have to manually select the appropriate inventory item while importing.

Enter Integration Settings

Taxes in ReconPro and Sage50 are calculated in different ways, so for a tax in Sage50 you need to create a service with the Percentage price type, map this service to the appropriate Sage50 tax, and then add this service to service package.

To create a percentage service

  • On the Company tab, click Services; and then on the Services page, click  Add.

  • In the Service dialog box, enter service name in the Service Name box, click Percentage in the Price Type box; in the Wholesale Percent box, enter the appropriate value that matches the percent value of particular tax in Sage50, and select the Is Tax check box.

To map a percentage service to a tax in Sage50

  • On the Company tab, click Company Info, and then on the Integration Settings tab, in the Tax Profile section, click Taxes.

  • On the Tax Profile page, click  Add.

  • In the Tax dialog box, enter the tax name in the Tax box, click the appropriate percentage service in the Service box, if needed, select the Is Refundable check box, select your country in the Country Code box, and then click OK.

Important! The name of the tax in the Tax box must be the same as the name of the tax in Sage50c. Also please make sure that the Is Refundable setting matches the same setting in Sage50c (i.e. if the Is Refundable check box is selected in Sage50c, it must be selected in the Tax profile, and vice versa).

Note The name of the tax in the Tax box must be the same as the name on the tax in Sage50.

Important! In Sage50 you may have Tax Codes with combined taxes (ex.: GST + PST); however, such tax codes are not supported while importing invoices from ReconPro. To import invoices successfully, the tax code must have only one tax (ex.: GST, PST, or HST).

To add a percentage service to a service package

  • On the Company tab, click Service Packages; and then on the Service Packages page, click the Services link next to the appropriate service package.

  • On the Service Package Items page, click Add.

  • In the Package Item dialog box, click the appropriate service of the Percentage price type, select the Required check box, and then click OK.

Important! Make sure that service package includes only one percentage service.

Export Invoices from ReconPro

You can export invoices to an IMP file and then download it for further importing to Sage50.

Note Invoices can be exported only if they have the Approved status and after exporting they will have the Exported status.

To export invoices from ReconPro

  • On the Miscellaneous tab, in the Accounting section, click Export invoices to IMP.

  • On the Export Log page, click Add Request.

Next to the Add Request button, you will see one of the following messages:

  • If the request is new, you will see the Request has been sent message.

  • If you click Add Request again while the current request has not been processed yet, you will see the Request is in the queue already message.

  • If the request is being processed, you will see the Request is in progress message.

In the Status message column, you will see one of the following messages:

  • Waiting means that request is being processed.

  • There are no approved invoices means that program cannot find approved invoices to export.

  • All invoices have been successfully exported means that you can download the import file.

To download the import file

  • In the last column, click Download next to the appropriate All invoices have been successfully exported message.

  • In the Opening dialog box, click Save File, and then click OK.

Note The import file will be saved to a default location for downloaded files.

To see the history of export operations

  • On the Export Log page, in the Search pane, in the From Date box, enter the appropriate date, and then click Find.

Edit Import File

You can edit import file before importing it to Sage50. For example, you may want to change client’s type from Retail to Wholesale, if you need the invoice to be linked to the customer in Sage50, and vice versa.

To edit an import file

  • Right-click the import file, and click Open.

  • In the Open with dialog box, click Notepad, and then click OK.

  • In the Open File dialog box, click Open.

The import file includes version (enclosed in tags <Version> and </Version>), invoices (enclosed in tags <SalInvoice>  and </SalInvoice>) and one empty line, so if you want to remove some invoices from file or make several files out of one, please, make sure that you keep the file structure: version, invoice(s), empty line.

Invoice may include at least three lines:

  • The first line contains customer information. The value after the customer name can be either “0” (wholesale customer) or “1” (retail customer).

  • The second line contains work order#, invoice#, date, etc. The first value is the number of services (invoice items).

  • The third line (and any following lines) contains service name, quantity, amount, and tax information.

Import Sales Invoices to Sage50

You can import IMP files to Sage50 to automatically add invoices created in ReconPro.

To import the IMP file

  • On the File menu, click Import/Export, then click Import Transactions.

  • On the first page of the Import Transactions Wizard, click Import purchase invoices, purchase quotes or sales invoices, sales orders, and then click Next.

  • On the Import Transactions Wizard - Backup page, click Next.

Note You can click Back Up, if you want to back up your data before importing invoices.

  • On the Import Transactions Wizard - Select File page, in the Enter the name of the import file box, click Browse, browse to the file location, double click the file, and then click Next.

  • If the ReconPro client has not been matched to Sage50 customer, in the Sage 50 Import - Select Customer dialog box, you can click Add to create a new customer, or you can click the appropriate customer in the list and then click Select to link the invoice to an existing customer.

Note If the ReconPro client has been matched to Sage50 customer, you will not see the Sage 50 Import - Select Customer dialog box.

  • If the ReconPro service has been matched to Sage50 inventory item, the item will be automatically selected in the Sage 50 Import - Select Item or Account dialog box, and you will only need to click Select.

  • If the ReconPro service has not been matched to Sage50 inventory item, you will need to click any item in the list, and then click Select in the Sage 50 Import - Select Item or Account dialog box.

Note When accounts and items are matched, the import will start automatically.

  • In the Sage 50 - Import Summary dialog, click OK.

  • On the Import Transactions Wizard - Finish page, click Finish.

To find imported invoices

  • On the Customers & Sales page, click the down-pointing triangle next to Sales Invoices, click Find Invoice.

  • In the Search dialog box, set the appropriate filter conditions, and then click OK.

  • In the Select an invoice dialog box, click the appropriate invoice, and then click Select.

  • Click OK in the warning message “Imported entry. You can check the contents carefully and make any necessary adjustments.”

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