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Timesheets Guide
Written by Allie Ray
Updated over a week ago

With the Timesheets feature, your employees can clock in and clock out on their mobile device, so that their working hours and non-working hours can be automatically recorded in the Back Office application for further tracking and reporting.

Required Subscriptions:

  • Editions: Enterprise or Team

  • Features: TimeSheets, TimeSheetTypes, TimeCodes, TimeSheetsMenu

Note The 'Team' edition supports only one feature (TimeSheets) that allows using only one timesheet type (Day) and only one report (Timesheets), while the Enterprise edition supports all available timesheet features, types, and reports.

In order to use the Timesheets feature effectively, you should know how to:

  • Create a timesheet type

  • Day type

  • Time Code type

  • Time Codes

  • Profiles

  • Assign the timesheet type to a team

  • Record working and non-working time on mobile device

  • Day Timesheet

  • Timesheet Items

  • Timesheet Profile

  • Edit timesheets

    • On mobile device

    • In the Back Office application

  • Generate timesheet reports

    • Timesheets

    • Timesheet Report

    • Timesheet Answers

    • Missing Timesheets

    • Timesheets Overtime

Create a timesheet type

There are two types of timesheets in ReconPro, so before creating a timesheet type, you should decide which of them fits your needs better (though if you have multiple teams some teams can use one type, while other teams can use another type):

  • The Day type allows employees to enter a start time and an end time of their working day, as well as duration of their lunch.

  • The Time Code type allows employees to enter a start time and an end time for timesheet items (predefined periods within a working day each of which has its own time code, for example, Repair Work, Administrative Work, Idle Time, Overtime, Lunch, Vacation, and Sickness). If you have standardized shifts, timesheet items can be grouped into profiles that can be used to automatically create timesheets with already scheduled items.

To create a timesheet type

  • On the Company tab, click Timesheet Types, and then on the Timesheet Types page, click Add on the toolbar.

  • In the Timesheet Type dialog box, enter the type name and description, and then click either Day or Time Code in the Entry Type box.

Day Type

The Day type has only one setting: you can choose a question form in the Questions box if you want employees to answer some questions when they save the timesheet.

Time Code Type

The 'Time Code' type has the following settings:

  • Clock-In Questions allows you to select a question form that is shown when employees clock in. For example, employees may confirm that everything is ready for work.

  • Clock-Out Questions allows you to select a question form that is shown when employees clock out. For example, employees may confirm that they were not injured during the work.

  • Employee Password Required makes employees enter their password when they want to clock in or clock out.

  • Allow Edit lets employees with the Manager role edit timesheets from the device. If the Ask Password check box is also selected, employees with the Manager role must enter their password to edit timesheets.

  • Allow Day Profile lets employees with the Manager role use the Profiles option on mobile device.

  • Allow Close Week lets employees with the Manager role close all timesheets within a particular week. You can choose a question form in the Questions box if you want employees with the Manager role to answer some questions when they close the timesheets for the whole week.

  • Allow Close Day lets employees close their today’s timesheet. You can choose a question form in the Questions box if you want employees to answer some questions when they close the timesheet.

Time Codes

After creating the Time Code timesheet type, you can create time codes that will be used to add timesheet items for the given timesheet type.

To create a time code

  • On the Timesheets tab, click Time Sheet Profiles & Codes; on the Time Sheet Profiles & Codes page, click Add on the toolbar of the Time Codes list.

The Time Code has the following settings:

  • Name

  • Code can be used in reports, for example, if the time code relates to a particular value in your accounting or payroll system. 

  • Description

  • Time Off defines whether timesheet items with the given time code will be included to working hours. If the check box is selected, timesheet items will not be included to working time.

  • Approval Required means that timesheet items with the given time code must be approved in the Back Office application.

  • Auto Clock-Out means that the clock-out time of the timesheet items with the given time code will be set automatically if employees don’t clock out before the end of their working day.

Timesheet Profiles

After creating the time codes, you can create profiles to group multiple time codes and define their default clock-in and clock-out time.

To create a profile

  • On the Timesheets tab, click Time Sheet Profiles & Codes; on the Time Sheet Profiles & Codes page, click Add on the toolbar of the Time Sheet Profiles section.

  • In the Time Sheet Profile dialog box, enter the name and description of the profile, and click OK.

  • In the Time Sheet Profiles section, click Items for the appropriate profile.

  • On the Profile Items page, click Add on the toolbar.

  • In the Time Sheet Profile dialog box, click the appropriate time code in the Time Code box, use time picker to set the appropriate time in the Time In and the Time Out boxes, and then click OK.

Assign timesheet types  to teams

Employees can use timesheets on the device if their team is assigned to a timesheet type. 

Note If you don’t have teams, you should assign employees to the default team and then assign the timesheet type to the default team.

To assign a timesheet type to a team

  • On the Company tab, click Teams; and then on the Teams page, click Edit next to the appropriate team.

  • In the Team dialog box, click the appropriate timesheet type in the Timesheet Type box, and then click OK.

Record working and non-working hours on mobile device

Employees can use timesheets to record their working and non-working hours depending on the assigned timesheet type.

Important! Before you start using time sheets on your device you must download the main database with all current settings of the assigned timesheet type.

To record your working and non-working hours

  • On the Home screen, tap Time Sheets; type your password and tap OK, and then follow the instructions below for the Day or the Time Code timesheet type.

Day Timesheet

The 'Day' type is used to record the time when you start and finish working, and the time that you spend on lunch.

To enter start time, end time, and lunch time

  • When you start working, tap the Time In option and select the appropriate time in the time picker.

  • When your lunch time is over, tap the Lunch option and type the lunch duration time in minutes.

  • When you finish working, tap the Time Out option and select the appropriate time in the time picker.

Tip Alternatively you can enter start time, end time, and lunch time at the end of your working day.

  • When the time sheet is complete, you can tap Close Day and then tap Yes in the confirmation message.

Important! After you close the day, this time sheet can only be edited in the Back Office application.

Timesheet Items

The 'Time Code' type is used to record the current time as the start time or the end time of a time sheet item.

To enter the start time of a time sheet item

  • Tap Clock In, tap the appropriate time code on the Time Codes screen, tap Save, and then tap Close in the Clock In message.

Note If a question form is assigned to the clock in option, you will need to answer questions in the form.

To enter the end time of the timesheet item

  • Tap Clock Out, and then tap Close in the Clock Out message.

Note If a question form is assigned to the click out option, you will need to answer questions in the form.

Timesheet Profiles

If you are logged in as user with the Manager role, you can use the Profiles option to add a group of timesheet items with predefined clock-in and clock-out time.

  • Tap Profiles, select the appropriate profile, and click Done.

When the timesheet is complete, you can tap Close Day and then tap Yes in the confirmation message.

Important! After you close the day, this timesheet can only be edited in the Back Office application.

Edit timesheets

You can edit timesheets either on mobile device or in the Back Office application.

Editing timesheets  on mobile device

You can edit timesheets on mobile device only if you are logged in as a user with the Manager role.

Note The Allow Edit option must be turned on in the Time Code timesheet type.

Important! You cannot edit closed timesheets on mobile device. 

To edit timesheets

  • On the Home screen, tap Time Sheets, and then on the Employees screen, tap Edit.

Note If you use 'Time Code' timesheet type and the 'Ask Password' option is turned on, then you will have to enter your password.

  • On the Employees screen, tap the appropriate employee, enter the employee’s password, and then on the Week screen, tap the date of the timesheet that you want to edit.

If you use the 'Day' type, you can change start time, end time, and lunch time of the selected timesheet.

If you use the 'Time Code' type, you can change start time and end time of the timesheet items, as well as select another time code for them.

When the timesheets of selected week are complete, you can tap Close Week and then tap Yes in the confirmation message.

Important! After you close the week, the timesheets of this week can only be edited in the Back Office application.

Editing  timesheets in the Back Office application

You can edit timesheets in the Back Office application only if you are logged in as user with the Administrator role, the Accountant role, or the Work Manager role.


On the Timesheets page you can open, approve, and delete timesheets, as well as change their status and see the history of changes. You can also generate Overtime, Time Off, and Timesheets reports for a custom period and save them into a file in the CSV format.

To edit timesheets

  • On the Timesheets tab, in the Time Codes section, click Timesheets.

  • On the Timesheets page, in the Search pane, enter the appropriate filter settings, and then click Find.

  • In the Employee column, click the employee whose timesheets you want to edit.

To approve a timesheet

  • In the Office Approval column, select the check box next for the appropriate date, and then click Approve Selected.

To change timesheet status from Draft to Final

  • In the Status column, click Draft next to the appropriate date, and then click OK in the confirmation message.

To see the history of timesheet changes

  • In the next-to-last column, click Audit for the appropriate date.

To delete a timesheet

  • In the last column, click Delete next to the appropriate date.

To open the timesheet for a particular date

  • In the Date column, click the appropriate date.

Timesheet Details

On the Timesheet page you can add, edit, approve, and delete timesheet items, apply timesheet profiles and change timesheet status, as well as copy and delete the whole timesheet.

Note You can open another time sheet by clicking another date in the date picker.

To delete the whole time sheet

  • Click Delete.

To copy the current timesheet details to another date

  • Choose the appropriate date in the date picker next to the For box, and then click Save & Copy.

To apply a timesheet profile

  • Click the appropriate profile in the Use Profile box, and then click Apply, and then click Save.

Note If there are any existing  timesheet items, they will be replaced by the timesheet items from the profile.

To add a timesheet item

  • Use time pickers to enter time in the Time In and the Time Out boxes, click the appropriate time code in the Time Code box, and then click Add, and then click Save.

To delete a timesheet item

  • Click Delete next to the time sheet item that you want to remove, and then click Save.

To approve a timesheet item

  • In the Approved column, select the check box next to the timesheet item that you want to approve, and then click Save.

To edit a timesheet item

  • Click Edit next to the timesheet item that you want to modify, and then in the Time Sheet Item dialog box, you can make changes in the Time Code, the Time In, and the Time Out boxes, and then click OK.

Generate timesheet reports

You can generate various timesheet reports according to your needs: timesheets for approving, timesheets for a particular week or a custom period, timesheets with answers to clock in/out questions, and missing timesheets.


The 'Timesheets' report shows employee working hours for a particular week, and it also lets approve timesheet items.

  • On the Reports tab, in the Company section, click Timesheets (alternatively on the Timesheets tab, in the Timesheets section, click Timesheets).

  • Click the appropriate employee name in the Employee Name column, and then select the check box next to the appropriate timesheet item, and click Approve on the toolbar.

Timesheets Report

This report shows employee timesheet summary for a custom period, and it also includes timesheet answers, if any.

  • On the Timesheets tab, in the Time Codes section, click Timesheets Report.

  • In the Search pane, enter the appropriate filter setting, and click Find.

Note If you don’t set filter by technician, the report will show timesheet summary for all team members (on a separate page for each employee).

  • Click Answers in the Answers column next to the appropriate timesheet.

Timesheet Answers

The 'Timesheet Answers' report shows employee timesheet answers for a custom period of time.

  • On the Timesheets tab, in the Time Codes section, click Timesheet Answers.

  • In the Search pane, enter the appropriate filter setting, and click Find.

Missing Timesheets

The 'Missing Timesheets' report shows dates when timesheets were not created.

  • On the Timesheets tab, in the Time Codes section, click Missing Timesheets.

  • In the Search pane, enter the appropriate settings, and then click Find.

Timesheets Overtime

The 'Timesheets Overtime' report shows overtime hours for a particular employee, team, and area.

  • On the Timesheets tab, in the Time Codes section, click Timesheets Overtime.

  • In the Search pane, enter the appropriate settings, and then click Find.

Note Overtime is calculated based on official rules of the Federal or State Department of Labor and does not depend on company-specific pay period, because your company rules may be not compliant with federal or state rules. Overtime rules may be different from state to state, and in some states they are quite strict and complex. For example, some rules consider the 7th consecutive working day as overtime regardless of how many total hours technician was working in a workweek, other rules consider the 9th working hour as overtime even when technician was working two days per week, etc.

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