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Customer Sales Report
Written by Allie Ray
Updated over a week ago

With the Customer Sales report you can see how much money you get from a certain customer within a particular period of time. The report shows the list of invoices with the following information: Date, Invoice#, Status, VIN, P.O.#, R.O.#, and Amount.

To generate the Customer Sales report

1. In the Back Office application, on the Reports tab, click Customer Sales.

2. Click appropriate customer in the Customer box, enter the required period start and end dates in the Date From and the Date To boxes, select the Include Invoices check box, and then click Find.

You can use Customer Sales report to export a high volume of invoices to popular file formats such as PDF, Word, and Excel.

To export the report to CSV, PDF, Excel, Tiff file, or Word file, click Export, and then click the appropriate format.

Note If you select the Include Invoices check box, the report will contain the invoice list and all invoices from the list, while if you don't select the Include Invoices check box, the report will contain the invoice list only.

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