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Vehicle History
Written by Allie Ray
Updated over a week ago

The 'Vehicle History' report shows work orders and inspections sorted by date, client, and vehicle. 

Required Subscriptions:

  • Feature: VehicleHistoryReport

To generate the Vehicle History report, in the Search pane, enter the appropriate filter settings, and then click Search.

  • Customer allows searching for work orders and inspections created for a particular client. 

  • Date To and Date From allow searching work orders and inspections created within a particular period.

  • VIN# allows searching work orders and inspections with a particular VIN.

  • Sales Person allows searching work orders and inspections with a particular sales advisor.

The 'Vehicle History' report includes the following columns: 

  • Date 

  • Client 

  • VIN # 

  • Order # lets you click the link to show work order printout

  • Invoice # lets you click the link to show invoice printout

  • Estimation # lets you click the link to show inspection printout

  • Sales Advisor shows a sales person assigned to work order or inspection

  • Amount 

To see the printout of a particular inspection, work order, or invoice  click the appropriate link in the Estimation #, Order #, or Invoice # column.

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