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Main Dashboard
Written by Allie Ray
Updated over a week ago

The Main Dashboard report shows  company revenue on the following charts:

  • Month-to-Date Sales

  • Top Clients

  • Top Services & Top Service Packages

  • Top Employees

Note By default you can see  sales in all areas made by all teams for the current month.

You can filter sales data by particular area, team, and any of the previous  12 months. 

  • In the Search pane, enter the appropriate filter settings, and then click Find.

You can export the Main  Dashboard report to PDF, MS Word, MS  Excel, CSV, or TIFF  file by clicking the Export button on the toolbar. 

Month-to-Date Sales

The Month-to-Date Sales line  chart shows how your revenue was growing during selected month in comparison  with the previous month. 

Top Clients

The Top Clients bar chart shows  the most revenue-generating customers for selected month.

Tip You can click the title  of the chart to display the report in a tabular format.

Top Services &  Top Service Packages

The Top Services doughnut chart  and the Top Service Packages pie  chart show the most revenue-generating services and service packages for selected month.

Tip You can click the title  of the charts to display the reports in a tabular format. 

Top Employees

The Top Employees bar chart  shows the most revenue-generating employees for selected month.

Tip You can click the title  of the chart to display the report in a tabular format.

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