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Area Revenue Report
Written by Allie Ray
Updated over a week ago

The Area Revenue report shows how much money you get from a particular area per month based on information from invoices.

Note The amount of invoices in the Draft status and the Void status is not taken into account.

Required Subscriptions:

  • Feature: AreaSupport, AreaRevenueReport

To generate the Area Revenue report, in the Search pane, enter the appropriate filter settings, and then click Find.

  • Area allows searching revenue of a particular area based on the area of the team that created work orders included to invoice, or based on the area of the team administrator or the area administrator.

  • Timeframe allows searching revenue based on invoices created within a particular period of time.

The Area Revenue report includes the following columns:

  • Period column shows the year and month for which area revenue is calculated.

  • Area column shows the area for which revenue is calculated.

  • Gross shows revenue amount that includes surcharges (if any).

  • Net shows revenue amount that includes both surcharges (if any) and discounts (if any).


  • Click the Export icon on the toolbar to export the report to PDF, MS Word, MS Excel, CSV, or TIFF file.

  • Click the Next Page icon on the toolbar to show the next page of the report.

  • Click the Previous Page icon on the toolbar to show the previous page of the report.

  • Click the Last Page icon on the toolbar to show the last page of the report

  • Click the First Page icon on the toolbar to show the first page of the report.

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