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Set phases of service request type
Written by Allie Ray
Updated over a week ago

Service Request Life-Cycle

The life-cycle of a particular service request depends on the phases settings of its service request type, so when you create a service request type before entering phases settings you should answer the following questions:

  • Is acceptance required?

  • Is estimating required?

  • Is work required?

  • Is delivery required?

If all four phases are required, then service requests of such type cannot move to the next phase until the current phase is finished (full life-cycle).

If some phases are not necessary, then service requests of such types automatically skip not required phases and move to the next required phase (partial life-cycle).

Note At least one of the phases must be required otherwise new service requests of such type will be automatically closed right after creation.

Acceptance Phase

The Acceptance phase defines whether validity of new service request should be checked.

Auto Accept

The Acceptance phase is not required when there is no need to verify whether the service request is valid.

For example, acceptance is not required when service requests are created by your company staff after customers’ calls or emails, so such service requests can hardly be invalid and they should be accepted automatically.

To make the Acceptance phase not required

  • In the Service Request Type dialog box, on the Phases tab, in the Acceptance phase, click Auto Accept.

Company's Acceptance Required

The Acceptance phase is required when there is a need to verify whether the service request is valid.

For example, some of your clients submit online form on your company website and their service requests are created automatically, so acceptance is required because such forms can be filled in by bots or spammers, and you should be able to reject invalid service requests.

To make the Acceptance phase required

  • In the Service Request Type dialog box, on the Phases tab, in the Acceptance phase, click Company's Acceptance Required.

Technician Acceptance Required

If you want technicians to accept or decline service requests in the mobile app

  • Select the Technician Acceptance Required check box.

Estimating Phase

The Estimating phase defines whether vehicle inspection should be made.

Estimate Not Required

The Estimating phase is not required when vehicle inspection is not necessary within service request.

For example, some of your services, like express wash or oil change, have fixed price which do not depend on the vehicle condition, so the estimating phase for service requests with these services should be skipped.

To make the Estimating phase not required

  • In the Service Request Type dialog box, on the Phases tab, in the Estimating phase, do not select the Estimate Required check box.

Estimate Required

The Estimating phase is required when there is a need to make the vehicle inspection.

For example, if service request includes such service as hail repair, the estimating is required, because your company technician should estimate the size and severity of each dent before the repair.

To make the Estimating phase required

  • In the Service Request Type dialog box, on the Phases tab, in the Estimating phase, select the Estimate Required check box.

Appointment Required

Appointment is required when your company staff must schedule an appointment for making inspection.

To make estimating appointment required

  • In the Service Request Type dialog box, on the Phases tab, in the Estimating phase, select the Appointment Required check box.

Note The Appointment Required check box is visible only if the Estimate Required check box is selected.

Work Phase

The Work phase defines whether any work should be done on the vehicle.

Work Not Required

The Work phase is not required when there is no work within service request.

For example, if client needs an accident damage inspection for insurance company then the work phase for this service request can be skipped.

To make the Work phase not required

  • In the Service Request Type dialog box, on the Phases tab, in the Work phase, do not select the Work Required check box.

Work Required

The Work phase is required when there is a need to do some work on the customer’s vehicle.

For example, vehicle damages like scratches or dents require actual repair work, so work phase for service requests that include repair services cannot be skipped.

To make the Work phase required

  • In the Service Request Type dialog box, on the Phases tab, in the Work phase, select the Work Required check box.

Auto Create Work Order

You can select a work order type in the Auto Create Work Order box if you want a work order of particular type to be automatically created when service request moves to the Work phase.

To select a work order type

  • In the Service Request Type dialog box, on the Phases tab, in the Work phase, click the appropriate work order type in the Auto Create Work Order box.

Note The Auto Create Work Order box is visible only if the Work Required check box is selected.

Appointment Required

Appointment is required when your company staff must schedule an appointment for getting the work done.

To make work appointment required

  • In the Service Request Type dialog box, on the Phases tab, in the Work phase, select the Appointment Required check box.

Note The Appointment Required check box is visible only if the Estimate Required check box is selected.

Delivery Phase

The Delivery phase defines whether vehicle should be delivered to customer.

Delivery Not Required

The Delivery phase is not required when there is no need to deliver the vehicle back to the customer.  

For example, clients may want to take their cars back themselves or the service doesn’t take much time so clients can wait for their cars on site.  

To make the Delivery phase not required

  • In the Service Request Type dialog box, on the Phases tab, in the Delivery phase, do not select the Delivery Required check box.

Delivery Required

The Delivery phase is required when there is a need to get the vehicle back to customer.

For example, clients may be busy or have no possibility to take their cars back on particular date so they may want your company to deliver their cars back to their places.  

To make the Delivery phase required

  • In the Service Request Type dialog box, on the Phases tab, in the Delivery phase, select the Delivery Required check box.

Appointment Required

Appointment is required when your company staff must schedule an appointment for making the delivery.

To make delivery appointment required

  • In the Service Request Type dialog box, on the Phases tab, in the Delivery phase, select the Appointment Required check box.

Note The Appointment Required check box is visible only if the Delivery Required check box is selected.

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