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Create service request types
Written by Allie Ray
Updated over a week ago

You can create multiple service request types with different settings that define the service request life-cycle and the data that you can enter when you create or edit a service request.

1. Creating a new service request type

2. Entering service request type settings

  • General settings

  • Phases settings

  • Question Forms settings

  • Inspection Type settings

  • Work Order Types settings

  • Vehicle Info settings

  • Claim Info settings

  • Clients settings

  • Wizard settings

Creating a new service request type

To create a new service request type

1. In the Back Office application, on the Company tab, click Service Requests Types.

2. On the Service Request Types page, click Add.

3. In the Service Request Type dialog box, enter appropriate settings and click OK.

Entering service request type settings

Settings can be entered both in the Service Request Type dialog box and table.

  • In the Service Request Type dialog box, you can enter General, Phases, Question Forms, Inspection Types, and Work Order Types settings.

  • In the Service Request Types table you can enter the Vehicle Info, Claim Info, Clients, and Wizard settings.

General settings

You can enter the following general settings:

  • Name: the name of service request type is shown in the list when you create a new service request either in the Back Office application or on mobile device.

  • Description: if needed, you can enter a text that provides more information about the given service request type.

  • Team: you must select a particular team for particular service request type. If you don’t select a team or no employee is assigned to the team that you select, this service request type will not be added to the list of types for creating new service requests.

  • Service Package: you must define the package of services that you can select when creating a new service request.

  • Duration: you can specify how many minutes the appointment for the given service request type usually takes.

  • Is Default: you can select the Is Default check box if you want this service request type to be automatically selected when you create a new service request.

  • Show Check-In: you can select the Show Check-In check box to turn on this option on mobile device and let the team register the time when they get a car for performing services.

Phases settings

You can enter the following phases settings:

  • Acceptance: if you click Auto Accept, new service requests will be accepted automatically, while if you click Acceptance Required, there will be a possibility to accept or reject new service requests in the Back Office application.

  • Estimating: if you click Estimate Required, then such service request can be converted to inspection; if you also click Appointment Required, there will be a possibility to add an appointment for inspection.

  • Work: if you click Work Required, then such service request can be converted to work order; if you also click Appointment Required, there will be a possibility to add an appointment for work order. In the Auto Create Work Order box, you can define a work order type that will be automatically selected while creating a new work order (note that only work order types with 'Team Sharing' are available in the list).

  • Delivery: if you click Delivery Required, then such service request will require delivery of the car back to the client; if you also click Appointment Required, there will be a possibility to add an appointment for delivery.

Question Forms settings

You can select the question forms that can be used for this Service Request Type.

  • To select question forms one by one, click appropriate form in the Available Question Forms list, and then click the right-pointing arrow to move it to the Assigned Question Forms list.

  • To select all question forms, click the double right-pointing arrow to move all forms to the Assigned Question Forms list.

Inspection Type settings

You can select the inspection types that can be used for this Service Request Type.

  • To select inspection types one by one, click appropriate inspection type in the Available Inspection Types list, and then click the right-pointing arrow to move it to the Assigned Inspection Types list.

  • To select all inspection types, click the double right-pointing arrow to move all inspection types to the Assigned Inspection Types list.

Note If you don’t assign any inspection type, all inspection types will be available for assignment when converting service request into inspection.

Work Order Types settings

You can select the work order types that can be used for this Service Request Type.

  • To select work order types one by one, click appropriate work order type in the Available Work Order Types list, and then click the right-pointing arrow to move it to the Assigned Work Order Types list.

  • To select all work order types, click the double right-pointing arrow to move all work order types to the Assigned Work Order Types list.

Note If you don’t assign any work order type, all work order types will be available for assignment when converting service request into work order.

Vehicle Info settings

You can define what Vehicle Info fields will be visible, required, and read-only, while creating a new service request.

To specify Vehicle Info settings

  • On the Service Request Types page, find the type you want to edit, and click Settings in the Vehicle Info column.

  • In the Vehicle Info Settings table, select or clear the check boxes in the Visible column, the Required column, and the Read-Only column next to appropriate properties, and then click Update.

Claim Info settings

You can define what Claim Info fields will be visible, and required, while creating a new service request.

To specify Claim Info settings

  • On the Service Request Types page, find the type you want to edit, and click Settings in the Claim Info column.

  • In the Claim Info Settings table, select or clear the check boxes in the Visible column and the Required column next to appropriate properties, and then click Update.

Clients settings

You can assign the customers for which the given service request type will be available while creating a new service request on mobile device.

Note In the Back Office application you can select any service request type for any customer, but on mobile device you can do that only if you don't assign customers to service request types.

To specify a client for service request type

  • On the Service Request Types page, find the type you want to edit, and click Clients in the Clients column.

  • In the Assigned Clients table, click the down-pointing arrow, click appropriate customer, then click Add.

Wizard settings

You can define the order in which particular screens are shown while creating a new service request on mobile device.

To use wizard

  • On the Service Request Types page, find the type you want to edit, and click Wizard.

  • In the Service Request Wizard table, click the arrows in the Order column to set appropriate order of the screens that appear on mobile device when you swipe from one screen to another.

Note Also you can turn on and off the Claim Info screen and delete the Question Form screens.

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