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Service request workflow
Written by Allie Ray
Updated over a week ago

Service requests have an elaborate workflow: they can move through several phases each of which may have several statuses. On the left side of each service request there is a section that shows its current phase and status. The letter in the round icon on the top of the section shows the service request phase, while the color of the icon, as well as the color of the section background shows the service request status which name is displayed at the bottom. So what do service request phases and statuses mean?

Acceptance Phase

Service requests with the "A" icon are in the Acceptance phase. During this phase you must either accept or reject service requests in the Back Office application.

Proposed Status

Service requests in the Acceptance phase have only one default status Proposed (light yellow color).

To accept or reject a service request

  • Point to the appropriate service request, and click the green icon with a check mark to accept it or click the red icon with a cross mark to reject it.

If you accept service request, it automatically moves to the next phase and status depending on the phases settings of the given service request type (for example, to the Estimating phase with the On Hold status).

If you reject service request, it automatically moves to the Delivery phase (black "D" icon) with the Request Rejected status (dark gray color).

Estimating Phase

Service requests with the "E" icon are in the Estimating phase. During this phase technicians must create inspections from service requests on mobile devices.

Service requests in the Estimation phase may have either Scheduled status (light green color) or On Hold status (light red color).

Scheduled Status

The Schedule status means that there are no problems with this service request in the Estimating phase:

  • If there is no Calendar icon with Date & Time on the right, it means that there is no need to create an inspection appointment.

  • If there is a Calendar icon with Date & Time, it means that inspection appointment is needed, but it has already been created.

  • If the Estimate field is empty, it means that no inspection has been created yet, but service request is in the Estimating phase for less than 7 days, so there is time to create the inspection.

  • If there is an inspection number in the Estimate field, it means that created inspection requires approval, but service request is in the Estimating phase for less than 7 days, so there is time to approve the inspection.

On Hold Status

The On Hold status means that there are some difficulties with this service request in the Estimating phase:

  • If there is a Calendar icon on the right side, it means that you should create an appointment in the Back Office application or technician should create an appointment on mobile device because inspection appointment is required for this type of service request.

  • If there is no Calendar icon and the Estimate field is empty, it means that no inspection was created within 7 days after service request moved to the Estimating phase.

  • If there is an inspection number in the Estimate field, it means that created inspection was not approved within 7 days after service request moved to the Estimating phase.

Work Phase

Service requests with the "W" icon are in the Work phase. During this phase technicians must create work orders from service requests on mobile devices.

Service requests in the Work phase may have either Scheduled status (light green color) or On Hold status (light red color).

Scheduled Status

The Schedule status means that there are no problems with this service request in the Work phase:

  • If there is no Calendar icon with Date & Time on the right, it means that there is no need to create a work appointment.

  • If there is a Calendar icon with Date & Time, it means that work appointment is needed, but it has already been created.

  • If the WO field is empty, it means that no work order has been created yet, but service request is in the Work phase for less than 7 days, so there is time to create the work order.

  • If there is a work order number in the WO field, it means that created work order requires approval, but service request is in the Work phase for less than 7 days, so there is time to approve the work order.

On Hold Status

The On Hold status means that there are some difficulties with this service request in the Work phase:

  • If there is a Calendar icon on the right side, it means that you should create an appointment in the Back Office application or technician should create an appointment on mobile device because work appointment is required for this type of service request.

  • If there is no Calendar icon and the WO field is empty, it means that no work order was created within 7 days after service request moved to the Work phase.

  • If there is a work order number in the WO field, it means that created work order was not approved within 7 days after service request moved to the Work phase, or if work order is monitored, it means that repair order was not completed within this period.

Delivery Phase

Service requests with the "D" icon are in the Delivery phase. During this phase the vehicle must be delivered to the customer, and then service request must be completed, if it was not rejected before.

Service requests in the Delivery phase may have Scheduled status (light green color), On Hold status (light red color), Completed status (light gray color), or Request Rejected status (dark gray color).

Scheduled Status

The Schedule status means that there are no problems with this service request in the Delivery phase:

  • If there is no Calendar icon with Date & Time on the right, it means that there is no need to create a delivery appointment.

  • If there is a Calendar icon with Date & Time, it means that delivery appointment is needed, but it has already been created.

On Hold Status

The On Hold status means that there are some difficulties with this service request in the Delivery phase:

  • If there is a Calendar icon on the right side, it means that you should create an appointment in the Back Office application or technician should create an appointment on mobile device because delivery appointment is required for this type of service request.

  • If there is no Calendar icon, it means that no delivery was made within 7 days after service request moved to the Delivery phase.

Completed Status

The Completed status means that service request was closed in the Back Office application.

Service request can be closed either manually by clicking Close Service Request…

…or automatically if delivery was not required or when repair order Delivered Date was set.

Request Rejected Status

The Request Rejected status means that service request was rejected during the Acceptance phase.

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