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Create service requests
Written by Allie Ray
Updated over a week ago

You can create service requests in the Back Office application and they will automatically show up on the mobile device.

To create a new service request

  • In the Back Office application, on the Operations tab, click Service Requests List.

  • In the Add Service Request box, click the down-pointing arrow, click the appropriate service request type, and then click Add.

  • Enter the appropriate information in the General Info, Customer, Vehicle Info, Claim Info, and Service sections; if needed add Labels and Description, and then click Save.

There are two ways service requests can be created in the Back Office application:

  • You can create a service request for your customers after their calls or emails.

  • Your customers can create their service requests by logging in to the Back Office application with their Client accounts.

Note Client account has limited permissions, so in terms of service requests, users logged in with the Client account cannot change the default customer and the default team, assign a technician and add a label.

The General Info section

You can add the following information in the General Info section:

Type: The type is selected while adding the new service request, so it cannot be changed in the General Info section.

Team: You can select a team responsible for the service request; otherwise it will be assigned to the default team.

Assigned To: You can assign a technician from the selected team.

PO#: You can specify the purchase order number if the customer provided it.

RO#: You can specify the repair order number if you know it.

Suggested Start: You can set a date and time when the work should be started.

Suggested Finish: You can set a date and time when the work should be finished.

To fill in the General Info section

  • Point to the General Info section, click the Pencil icon, enter the appropriate information, and then click Done.

The Customer section

In the Customer section, you can select the customer for the service request.

  • Point to the Customer section, click the Pencil icon, click the down-pointing arrow in the List of Customers box, click appropriate customer, and then click Done.

Note If the vehicle’s owner is different from the customer, you can click the owner tab and select one in the List of Owners box.

If you cannot find the customer or owner in the list, you can add a new customer or owner.

  • Click New, enter the appropriate information, click Create, and then click Done.

Note In the Customer section of service request, you can add only retail customers and owners.

The Vehicle Info section

In the Vehicle Info section, you can enter the following information:

Stock#: You can specify the Stock#, if you know it.

VIN#: You can enter the vehicle’s VIN and click Decode to fill in the make, model, and year fields automatically.

Make: You can type the vehicle’s make, if for some reason it is not decoded or not correct.

Model: You can type the vehicle’s model, if for some reason it is not decoded or not correct.

Color: You can select the color from the Vehicle Colors list which can be modified in the Back Office application.

Year: You can select the vehicle’s year, if for some reason it is not decoded or not correct.

Tag#: You can type the vehicle’s license plate if it is important.

Mileage: You can type the vehicle’s mileage if needed.

To fill in the Vehicle Info section

  • Point to the Vehicle Info section, click the Pencil icon, enter the appropriate information, and then click Done.

The Claim Info section

On the Claim screen you can enter the following information:

Insurance Company: Select the company that provides insurance services to the customer from the Insurance Companies list which is configured in the Back Office application.

Claim#: You can specify the insurance claim number, if available or required.

Policy#: You can specify the insurance policy number, if available or required.

Deductible: You can specify the amount that the insurance company will deduct from the claim payment.

Accident Date: You can select the date when the car accident happened or the damage appeared.

To fill in the Claim Info section

  • Point to the Claim Info section, click the Pencil icon, enter the appropriate information, and then click Done.

The Services section

In the Services section, you can select services required for the vehicle.

Note You will see the services that are included in the service package associated with the service request type you selected. If the All Services service package is associated with the given service request type, then you will see all the services provided by your company.

To select services for service request

  • Point to the Services section, click the Pencil icon, select the check box next to appropriate services, if needed change the quantity, and then click Done.

Note You can change service quantity only if the Multiple check box is selected and the service price type is either Money or Labor in the service settings.

Other Information

Labels: You can add labels to the Labels box to categorize service requests. For example, you can create labels for different hail storms.

Description: You can enter additional information about the service request in the Description box. It also shows the notes added to services on the mobile device.

Appointments: The Appointments box shows the appointments related to the service request. You cannot add appointments to the new service request until you save it.

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