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Inter Application Exchange (Setup Guide)
Written by Allie Ray
Updated over a week ago

You can configure Inter Application Exchange that automatically copies inspections and work orders from one Back Office application to another.

Note At the moment you can configure copying work orders only. 

Required Subscriptions

  • Features: InterApplicationExchange

Important! Inviting Application is the Back Office application to which inspections and work orders are copied from Accepting Application.

For example, you can specify that work orders of a particular type created for a particular client and assigned to a particular technician in Accepting Application must be automatically copied to Inviting Application as work orders with a certain type, customer, and technician.

To set up Inter Application Exchange

  • Generate registration code

  • Accept registration code

  • Create sending profile

  • Create receiving profile

Generate registration code

In the Inviting Application

  • On the Company tab, click Inter Application Exchange, and then on the Registration tab, click Generate on the toolbar. 

  • Copy the code in the Reg.Code column of the new registration. 

Tip By default the registration code is also shown in the 'Link Name' column, so if you set up Inter Application Exchange with more than one Back Office application, you can give a meaningful name to each registration.

  • Click Edit next to the appropriate registration, and then in the Application Exchange Registration dialog box, in the Link Name box, type the name that you want and click OK.

Accept registration code

In the Accepting Application

  • On the Company tab, click Inter Application Exchange, and then on the Registration tab, paste the copied code into the Code box, and click Accept on the toolbar. 

Create a sending profile with rules

In the Accepting Application

  • On the Sending tab, click Add Profile below the appropriate registration.

  • In the Profile Details dialog box, type the name, select a document type, an entity type, a Send From date (inspections or work orders created earlier this date will not be copied), and then click Insert.  

  • Click Add Rule below the newly added sending profile.

  • In the Filter Rule dialog box, type the name, select an entity type, if needed, set filter conditions, and then click Insert.

Important! You must create at least four profile rules (for the Client, Team, Employee, and Service entities) otherwise you will not be able to activate the profile, and inspections or work orders will not be copied.

  • Click Create next to the sending profile and then in the Profile Details dialog box, select the Active check box, and click Update.

Create a receiving profile with rules

In the Inviting Application

  • On the Receiving tab, click Add Profile below the appropriate registration.

  • In the Profile Details dialog box, type the name, select the appropriate sending profile, document type, and entity type, a Receive After date (inspections or work orders created earlier this date will not be copied), if needed, select default client, team, employee, and service, select the Active checkbox and then click Insert.

Note The 'Active' checkbox appears only if default client, team, and employee are selected.

Important! If you have not selected the default client, team, employee, and service in the 'Profile Details' dialog box, you need to add the appropriate rules and then activate the profile. 

  • Click Add Rule below the newly added receiving profile.

  • In the Mapping Rule dialog box, type the name, select an entity type, select the appropriate receiving entity for each sending entity, and then click Insert.

Note The red triangle in the upper-left corner of the box, means that the previous value has been changed.  

Tip Receiving profile rules for the Services entity type can be saved without default or mapped services if you select the 'Ignore' checkbox next to all services; however, in this case, the work order will be copied without services. 

Important! You must create at least four profile rules (for the Client, Team, Employee, and Service entities) otherwise inspections or work orders will be not be copied. 

  • Click Create next to the receiving profile and then in the Profile Details dialog box, select the Active checkbox, and click Update.

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