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Repair Orders (Overview)
Written by Allie Ray
Updated over a week ago

Repair order is a work order which progress can be monitored from service to service and from phase to phase.

Important! You can monitor repair orders only if the Monitor Repairing setting is turned on for their work order type.

Required Subscriptions:

  • Editions: Team or Enterprise

  • Features: Recon Monitor

Note There is also the ReconMonitorChangeROStartDate feature that lets change repair order start date and time.

Repair Orders page

  • Searching repair orders

  • Sorting and grouping repair orders

  • Repair orders columns

  • Full Display view

Repair Order page

  • Toolbar options

  • Repair order details

  • Phases

  • Services

  • Discounts / Fees / Taxes

Repair Orders page

On the Repair Orders page you can manage repair orders: search, sort, group, and edit repair orders.  

Searching Repair Orders

When you open the Repair Orders page, you cannot see any repair orders until you set the appropriate search parameters in the Search pane and  click the Search button.

You can search repair orders by the following parameters:

  • Location lets filter repair orders by the location specified while creating work orders on mobile device.

  • Phase lets filter repair orders by their active phase.

  • Customer

  • VIN (last digits) lets filter repair orders by vehicle identification number (you can type at least one last digit).

  • Timeframe lets filter repair orders created within a certain period, for example, last 30 days, year to date (that is from January 1 to the current date), etc. If you click the Custom option, you can specify a custom search period in the To and the From boxes that will appear below the Timeframe box.

  • Stock#

  • RO#

  • Repair Status lets filter repair orders by their active phase type and services status.

    • In Progress - All shows repair orders which active phase type is any but “Completed”.  

    • In Progress - Active shows repair orders with phases in the Active status.

    • In Progress - Queued / Rework shows repair orders with phases in the Queued status or the Rework status.

    • In Progress - On Hold shows repair orders which active phase type is “On Hold”.

    • In Progress - Not On Hold shows repair orders which active phase type is either “Pre-Repair” or “In Progress”.

    • In Progress - QA Ready shows repair orders that have at least one service in the Completed status.

    • Completed - QA Ready shows repair orders that have all services in either the Completed status or the Audited status.

    • Completed - Not Billed shows repair orders which active phase type is “Completed” but invoice has not been created yet.

    • Completed - On Site shows repair orders which active phase type is “Completed” but the delivery has not been made yet (i.e. the delivery date is not set).

    • Completed - All shows repair orders which active phase type is “Completed”.

    • (All) shows repair orders regardless their status and active phase type.

  • WO Type

  • WO# lets filter repair orders by work order number if you type any part of it (at least one digit).

Sorting and grouping repair orders

You can sort and group repair orders to show them in particular order.

To group repair orders by their active phase

  • Drag the Active Phase column header to the Drag a column header and drop it here to group by that column box. 

To sort repair orders by the Stock# / RO#, the Amount, the Active Phase, or the Completed(%) column

  • Click the appropriate column header to apply ascending sorting, and click it again if you want to apply descending sorting.

Repair Orders Columns

The columns on the Repair Orders page not only show the details of repair orders but also allow editing, printing, starting, and closing repair orders.

The following columns are shown on the Repair Orders page:

  • The “!” column shows the priority of repair orders.  

    • The blue 'Arrow' icon means that repair order has the Low priority.

    • If there is no icon in the column it means that repair order has the Normal priority.

    • The red '!' icon means that repair order has the High priority.

  • Flag can be used for a custom categorization. For example, you can use flags to range repair order difficulty, from easy (white flag) to hard (purple flag). You can define names of flags in the Monitor Settings.

  • Order / Type shows the work order number and the work order type. The work order number is a link to the Repair Order page that shows repair order details. If the Target Date has already passed, the column background is highlighted with red color.

  • Customer / Vehicle / VIN

  • Stock# / RO#

  • Amount

  • Start Date / Target Date

    • If the Target Date has not passed yet, the column shows TIME TO TARGET in days.

    • If the Target Date has already passed, the column shows PAST DUE in days.

    • If the Target Date is not calculated, the column shows DAYS IN PROGRESS.

  • Active Phase shows the name of the repair order phase that is the first in the list of phases which services are not completed yet.

  • Completed (%)

  • Notes shows repair order notes when you point to the icon.

  • Edit opens the Edit dialog box for editing repair order start date, target date, and notes when you click the icon.

  • Print generates the repair order printout when you click the icon.

  • Audit Log shows the repair order Audit Log page when you click the icon.

  • The last column may show:

    • The Close RO button that closes repair order.

    • The Start RO button that starts repair order if it has a delayed start.

    • The On Hold stamp if repair order has the On Hold status.

Full Display View

The Full Display view is used for tracking repair orders on a large-screen monitor. The information on the Full Display view is frequently updated.

The Full Display view has the following columns:

  • Vehicle

  • WO Type / Stock#

  • Client

  • Dates

  • Active Phase

  • Active Tech(s) are technicians that are assigned to the active phase services which are not completed yet.

  • Completed

  • Notes

  • Set Frequency (sec) is used to define how often the information on the Full Display view should be updated.

Repair Order page

On the Repair Order page you can work with repair order details, phases, and services.

To open the Repair Order page of a particular repair order

  • On the Repair Orders page, in the Order / Type column, click the Work Order Number link for the appropriate repair order.

Toolbar Options

On the toolbar you can use the following options:


The Print option generates the  work order printout.

Audit Log

The Audit Log page has the Phases tab and the Departments tab.


On the Phases tab you can see the following columns:

  • Time Started is the date and time when phases or their first services were started.

  • Time Finished is the date and time when phases or their last services were completed.

  • Target Time is the date and time calculated by adding phase’s Approximate Repair Time to its Time Started.

  • Phase

  • Notes

  • Duration (Calendar Time) is calculated as the difference between Time Started and Time Finished.

  • On Hold Duration is the period of time during which the repair order was in the On Hold status within a particular phase.  

  • Check Out Duration is the period of time between the date and time when a phase was checked out and checked in.

  • Duration (Work Time) is calculated as the difference between Time Finished and Time Started, taking into account only working time which is set on the Working Hours tab of repair location.

  • Target Duration is calculated as the difference between Target Time and Time Started, taking into account only working time which is set on the Working Hours tab of repair location.

  • Acceptance is the date and time when a phase was accepted. If the Acceptance Required option is not turned on in the phase settings, then the phase is “AutoAccepted”.


On the Departments tab you can see the following columns:

  • Time Started is the date and time when departments start working on phases or their first services.

  • Time Finished is the date and time when departments finish working on phases or their last services.

  • Department

  • Notes

  • Duration (Calendar Time) is calculated as the difference between Time Started and Time Finished.

  • On Hold Duration is the period of time during which the repair order was in the On Hold status within a particular department.  

  • Check Out Duration is the period of time between the date and time when a phase was checked out and checked in by a particular department.

  • Duration (Work Time) is calculated as the difference between Time Finished and Time Started, taking into account only working time which is set on the Working Hours tab of repair location.

  • Acceptance is the date and time when department accepts repair order transition from another department. If the Acceptance Required option is not turned on in the department settings, then the repair order transition is “AutoAccepted”.

Services Activity

On the Services Activity tab you can see the following columns:

  • Time Started is the date and time when technicians started working on the service or task.

  • Time Finished is the date and time when technicians finished or skipped working on the service or task.

  • Service/Task is the name of the service or task.

  • Phase is the phase to which the service or task belongs.

  • Status is the status of the service or task for the moment when the change has been made.

  • Activity Time is the time when the change has been made.  

  • Notes is the description of the change.


When you click Edit on the toolbar, you can modify the following details of the repair order:

  • Start Date can be edited only if the Delayed RO Start option is turned on in the Work Order Type settings.

  • Target Date

  • RO#

  • PO#

  • Order Notes


You can choose High, Normal, or Low priority for repair order.

Phase Enforcement

The Phase Enforcement option defines whether you can work with any phase or the active phase only.

  • If Phase Enforcement is OFF, all not started phases have the Active status and you can work with any of these phases or their services.

  • If Phase Enforcement is ON, only active phase has the Active status and you can work with it or its services, while status of other phases is automatically changed to Queued and you cannot edit these phases and their services.

Invoice completed RO only

The selected Invoice completed RO only check box indicates that you can create an invoice only when the given repair order is completed.

Status and Reason

The Status list includes the following statuses:

  • New status is set automatically when a new repair order is created.

  • On Hold status means that all works for the given order are put on hold, for example, when technicians wait for vehicle parts. You cannot edit repair orders in the On Hold status.

  • Approved status means that the works for the given repair order were approved.

  • Closed status means that all works for the given orders are finished. You cannot edit repair orders in the Closed status.

The Reason list shows available reasons for a selected status. You can add, edit, and delete status reasons on the toolbar of the Work Order Types page.

To change repair order status

  • Click the appropriate status in the Status box, click the appropriate reason in the Reason box, if any, and then click Change Status.

Repair  Order Details

The Repair Order details section includes the following information:

  • Order#

  • RO#

  • PO#

  • Make Model

  • Year

  • Stock#

  • VIN

  • Plate

  • Mileage

  • Type

  • Target Date is calculated by adding Approximate Repair Time to Date Started, taking into account only working time which is set on the Working Hours tab of repair location.

    • If the Target Date has not passed yet, the column shows TIME TO TARGET.

    • If the Target Date has already passed, the column shows PAST DUE.

    • If the Target Date is not calculated, because the Approximate Repair Time is not defined in the settings of repair location or work order type, the column shows DAYS IN PROGRESS.

  • Active Phase shows repair order phase that is the first in the list of phases which services are not completed yet.

  • Customer

  • Order Type

  • Order Amount is the total price of all services.

  • Vendor Amount is the total vendor price for all services.

  • Invoice shows the link to the invoice printout, if an invoice for the repair order has already been created.

  • Started is the date and time when the repair order was started.

    • If the Delayed RO Start check box is not selected in the Work Order Type settings, the Started date and time are set automatically when the order is created.

    • If the Delayed RO Start check box is selected in the Work Order Type settings, the Started date and time will be replaced by the current date and time when you click Start RO.

  • Delivered is the date and time when the vehicle was delivered back to customer or owner.  

  • Completed

  • Completed (Repair) Time is the date when the last service was completed (and the working time spent on repair which is the result of complex calculation that takes into account the Working Hours settings of repair location, Holidays settings, and the total duration of all phases).

  • Order Notes shows the notes entered for the given work order.

  • The Start RO button is shown only if the repair order has a delayed start (the Delayed RO Start option is turned on in the Work Order Type settings).


In the Phases section you can manage repair order phases.


In the Phase column you can see phases’ names in the order which is set on the Phases page of repair location. The font of the active phase is red. If a phase requires acceptance, the acceptance icon is shown near the phase name.


In the Status column you can see the current status of repair order phases.

  • Queued means that phase cannot be edited until active phase is completed.

  • Active means that phase can be started or the work is in progress.

  • Completed means that the work is done.

  • Audited means that work is done and verified.

  • Refused means that work is rejected.

  • Rework means that work should be done again.

  • Skipped means that work is not required.

Note If the Do not track individual services option is turned on in the phase settings, you can change the phase status. If the Do not track individual services option is turned off in the phase settings, the phase status is read-only and depends on its services status.


In the Start column you can see the Start Services button if phase setting Start Service Required is turned on and phase is in the Active, Refused, or Rework status. Note that you cannot change the phase status until you click the Start Services button. After you click the Start Services button, you will see the Reset Start Date button if phase setting Allow Start Date Reset is turned on in the phase settings.


In the Check-Out column you can see the Check-Out button or the Check-In button.

  • The Check-Out button is shown

    • if the Check-Out option in the Phase settings is either Optional or Required.

    • If the Check-Out option in the Phase settings is N/A (Not Available), there is no button in the column.

  • The Check-In button is shown after you click the Check-Out button.

Note If the Check-Out option in the Phase settings is Required, you can edit a phase or its services only after you check out the phase. If phase Check Out setting has been changed to N/A (Not Available) while some current phases are checked out, such phases can still be checked in.


In the Tech column you can see the icon that you can click to change vendor and technician assignment for multiple services of repair order phase at once. 

  • Click the appropriate team in the Vendor box, click the appropriate employee in the Technician box, and then click the Change Tech button.

Note Technicians (and vendors) assigned to phase services will be changed to selected technician (and vendor). If some phase services cannot be assigned to selected technician’s vendor, no changes are applied to such services.


In the Notes column you can see the Log link if the Check-Out button was clicked at least once. When you point to the Log link, you can see when and by whom the phase was checked-out and checked-in.


In the Services section you can manage repair order services of the following price types: money, price matrix, bundle, and labor.

Note If there are many services in the repair order, you can group them by Phase column, and sort them by name, price, vendor price, vendor, technician, status, phase, or percent of completion.

In the Services section you can see the following columns:

  • The “$” column shows service price type. You can point to the icon to see the type name.

  • Service

  • Qty shows the quantity of service items.

  • Price

  • Vendor Price allows to enter the amount that is paid to the team (usually external team)

  • Vendor shows or allows selecting an internal or external team.

  • Technician shows or allows assigning a technician (from a selected team) to service.

  • Status shows or allows selecting one of the following service statuses:

    • Queued means that service cannot be started until another service is completed or that service must be started by technician manually.

    • Active means that service can be started or the work is in progress.

    • Completed means that the work is done.

    • Audited means that work is done and verified.

    • Refused means that work is rejected.

    • Rework means that work should be done again.

    • Skipped means that work is not required.

Note The exact list of statuses depends on your user role and the current status. Transitions from one status to another can be set by AMT specialists for each user role, so if you want to change the default settings, please contact our customer support department.

  • Phase shows phases to which services belong. If a service is assigned to a phase on the Services page of repair location, this phase will be shown in the Phase column for the given service. If a service is not assigned to a phase, the first phase will be shown in the Phase column.

  • Started shows the Start Service button, the Reset Start Date button, or service start date and time.

    • The Start Service is shown if the Do not track individual services option is turned off and the Start Service Required option is turned on in the phase settings.

    • The Reset Start Date button is shown when you click the Start Service button for a service which phase setting Allow Start Date Reset is turned on. The service start date and time are shown when the Do not track individual services option is turned on or the Allow Start Date Reset is turned off in the phase settings.  

  • Completed shows the date and time when service or the whole phase was completed.

  • Notes shows service notes. You can click it to see text notes and click to see and download image and video notes if any.

Discounts / Fees / Taxes

In the Discounts / Fees / Taxes section you can see repair order services of the following price types: percentage, and fee bundle.

In the Discounts / Fees / Taxes section you can see the following columns:

  • Type

  • Service

  • Price

  • Notes

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