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Repair Locations (Overview)
Written by Allie Ray
Updated over a week ago

Repair Location is a geographic area where your clients’ vehicles are serviced by internal or vendor teams of employees.

Repair Locations

On the Repair Locations page, you can add, edit, delete, and search repair locations.

  • To add a new location, click Add on the toolbar, enter settings, and click OK.

  • To modify an existing location, click Edit next to the appropriate location, change settings, and click OK.

  • To delete a location, click Delete next to the appropriate location, and click OK in the message box.

  • To search for a location, in the Search pane, click All, Active, or Not Active in the Status box, type location name or its part in the Location box, and then click Search.

On the 'Repair Locations' page, you can open the following pages:

  • Departments

  • Phases

  • Services

  • Labor Skills

  • Clients

  • Managers

  • User Settings

Repair Location Settings

When you create a new location or edit an existing location, you enter or change settings in the location profile.

In the Location dialog box you can enter the following settings:

  • Name

  • Status indicates whether the repair location is active or not. When you select the Not Active status, the repair location is not shown in the list of available locations, and its repair orders are not processed in the Back Office application. You cannot change the Active status to the Not Active status if there are not completed repair orders in this location or this location is selected as the default repair location for a team or vendor.

  • Area lets link a repair location to an area so that, for example, when you select an area for a vehicle inventory, the list of available repair locations will include only repair locations assigned to the selected area.

  • HOUSE Account is usually used for services that cannot be assigned to a particular employee who works in the given repair location. For example, if such service as Waste Removal Fee must be added to the work order in this location, you can assign it to the HOUSE account.

  • Phase Enforcement defines whether only the next phase is automatically activated when the current phase is completed.

  • Override Ins. Type Settings lets change the Line Approval setting defined on the inspection type level. For example, if the Line Approval setting is turned OFF for a particular inspection type, but you turn it ON for the given location, then inspections of this type created for this location will require line approval.

  • Auto-assign Tech. turns on the automatic assignment of service to a technician who changes service status to Completed.

  • Close Completed ROs turns on automatic closure of repair orders when their services and phases are completed. In the 'After Days' box, you can specify how many days completed repair orders remain open for changes before automatic closure.

  • Complete Invoiced WOs turns on automatic completion of invoiced repair orders so that after an invoice has been created from a repair order you don’t have to manually update all repair order phases which have not been completed yet.

  • Do Not Override Department defines that a department, which has been set manually, will not be automatically overridden by the department assigned to a phase which the repair order moves to.

  • Approx. Repair Time is entered in hours and used to calculate the repair order Target date if the approximate repair time is not defined on the work order type level.  

  • Accounting ID is used for integration with third-party applications.

Working Hours

On the Working Hours tab, you can set weekly working time for the given repair location. The Working Hours setting can be used together with the Approx. Repair Time setting to calculate the Target Date of repair order in this location.

The Time Zone setting is used to calculate the repair location local time.

To set the working hours

  • Select the check box next to the appropriate day of the week, and then use the time picker to set time in the Start Time and the Finish Time boxes.

Address Info

On the Address Info tab, you can enter the repair location address in the following fields:

  • Address

  • Address 2

  • City

  • Country

  • State/Province

  • Zip/Postal Code

  • Email

  • Phone

Note The repair location address is automatically populated in the appropriate fields of service request appointment form when you select a repair location for an appointment with location type “Repair Location”.

Contact Info

On the Contact Info tab you can enter primary contact information for the given repair location in the following fields:

  • Contact

  • Cell

  • Phone


Department is a repair location unit that can be assigned to a particular phase, so that when a repair order moves from one phase to another, it also automatically moves from one department to another.

On the Departments page, you can add, edit, and delete location departments. Also, you can sort departments to show them in a particular order.

  • To add a new department, click Add on the toolbar, enter settings, and click OK.

  • To modify an existing department, click Edit next to the appropriate department, change settings, and click OK.

  • To delete a department, click Delete next to the appropriate department, and click OK in the message box.

  • To sort departments, click Up or Down next to the appropriate departments.

Note You can click Set as Default next to one of the departments to make it default for the given repair location.

Department Settings

In the Department dialog box, you can enter the following settings:

  • Department Name

  • Description

  • Acceptance Required defines whether moving of repair order from one department to another must be accepted.


Phase is a group of logically related services that when completed can move the repair order to the next phase within its life-cycle.

On the Phases page, you can add, edit, and delete repair order phases. Also, you can sort phases if they should follow one another in a specific order.

  • To add a new phase, click Add on the toolbar, enter settings, and click OK.

  • To modify an existing phase, click Edit next to the appropriate phase, change settings, and click OK.

  • To delete a phase, click Delete next to the appropriate phase, and click OK in the message box.

  • To sort phases, click Up or Down next to the appropriate phases.

Note Each repair location has default phases that you cannot sort because they are logically the next to the last and the last phases in the repair order life-cycle: during the QC (Quality Control) phase the quality of the repair order works is verified, and the Completed phase means that the repair order is completed.

Phase Settings

When you add a new phase or edit an existing phase, you enter or change settings in the phase profile.

In the Phase dialog box you can enter the following settings:

  • Category allows selecting a phase category which settings will be automatically applied to the new phase (if the ‘PhaseCategories’ feature is turned on).

  • Phase Name

  • Description

  • Type is used to relate the phase to a repair order status, so that you can search repair orders by particular phase types (with the help of the Repair Status filter on the Repair Orders page).

    • Pre-repair means that the vehicle is getting ready for repair, for example, washing it before painting.

    • In Progress means that the vehicle is in the process of being repaired.

    • On Hold means that the repair process is paused, for example, while waiting for delivery of vehicle parts.

    • QC means that the quality of the repair order works is being checked. This type is used for the default QC phase.

    • Completed means that the repair order is completed. This type is used for the default Completed phase.

    • Due Bill means that repair order is waiting for payment.

  • Check-Out determines whether vehicles in the given phase can be checked-out (taken by technician or team for repair) and checked-in (returned by technician or team after repair).

    • Required means that you must Check-Out the vehicle to start repairing it in this phase and then Check-In the vehicle when you finish repairing it.

    • Optional means that you can either use the Check-Out/Check-In option or not when you start and finish repairing the vehicle in this phase.

    • N/A means that the Check-Out/Check-In option is not available for this phase.

  • Autocomplete Inspection automatically completes a repair order phase when a linked inspection of a particular Inspection Type is created and approved. The start date & time and the completion date & time of the phase are populated automatically based on inspection creation date & time and approval date & time respectively. Note: If the Autocomplete Inspection check box is selected, the Check-Out option and the Start Service Required checkbox are disabled.

  • Work Status Tracking defines whether users can track the status of either repair order phases, or services, or both.

    • Phase Level Only option means that mobile app users can track the status of the phase only (the Complete current phase button is available).

    • Service And Phase Levels option means that mobile app users can track the status of the phase and its services (the Complete current phase button is available)

    • Service Level Only option means that mobile app users can track the status of services only (the Complete current phase button is not available).

  • Start Service Required defines whether you must manually start services in the given phase.

    • Allow Start Date Reset checkbox defines whether you will be able to reset service start.

    • Auto-Assign Tech from Start checkbox defines that when a technician starts a phase or service in the mobile app, this technician will be automatically assigned to this phase or service. Note: Services assigned to a default technician will not be auto-assigned to technicians that start them.

  • QC Required defines whether the repair order must move through the default QC phase.

  • Acceptance Required lets accept phases of repair orders. If the Acceptance Required check box is not selected, phases are accepted automatically.

  • Phase Enforcement defines whether the given phase must be done in a certain order or in any order (Learn more about partial phase enforcement)

    • Read Only WO prevents editing monitored work orders in the given phase

  • Department is used to assign a particular department to the given phase.

  • Approx. Transition Time is entered in hours and used to calculate approximate date and time when the vehicle will be delivered to another team, department, or workshop for the next phase.

  • Approx. Repair Time is entered in hours and used to calculate approximate date and time when repair works of the given phase will be finished. You can see it in the Target Time column of the repair order Audit Log.


Task is a non-billable job that can be done and tracked within the phase, for example, “Vehicle interior ventilation after painting”.

On the Tasks page, you can add, edit, and delete phase tasks.

  • To add a new task, click Add on the toolbar, enter the task name, select the adding mode, and click OK.

  • To modify an existing task, click Edit next to the appropriate task, change the task name, and/or the adding mode, and then click OK.

  • To delete a task, click Delete next to the appropriate task, and click OK in the message box.

Note The 'Adding Mode' defines whether tasks will be added automatically or manually when creating a repair order.


On the Phase Services page you can assign services to phases so that when you add services to a work order, these services are automatically allocated among phases while repair order monitoring. You can also use the ‘Rate/Price’ and the ‘Tax-Exempt’ columns to override the service price or rate, as well as specify whether services are tax-exempt on the repair location and the work order type levels.

To assign services to a phase

  • On the Phase Services page, in the Location box, make sure that the given location is selected.

  • In the WO Type box, click the work order type that includes services that you want to assign.

  • In the Phase box, click the phase to which you want to assign services.

  • Select the check box next to each service that you want to assign, and then click Assign to selected services.

Important! Services that are not assigned to the phases of the selected location are highlighted with red color.

Note If work order type includes bundle services, bundle service items are shown separately and can be assigned selectively. 

Tip You can select other locations and assign services to phases in these locations (no need to open the Phase Services page for each and every location).


On the Clients page, you can list the clients which vehicles can be serviced in the given repair location. If you don’t add any client to the list, the given location will be available for all clients.

To add a client to the given location

  • Click the down-pointing arrow in the Enter a customer box, click the appropriate client, click Add; and then when you add all the clients that you want, click Update Clients.

To delete a client from the given location

  • Click Delete next to the appropriate client, and click OK in the message box.


Manager is an employee who can receive email notifications for events related to the given repair location.

To add a manager to the given location

  • Click the Team box and click the appropriate team or All; click the Enter an employee box and click the appropriate employee, click Add; then when you add all the managers that you want, click Update.

To delete a manager from the given location

  • Click Delete next to the appropriate manager, and click OK in the message box.

User Settings

On the 'User Settings' page, you can define whether users with specific roles can see and use repair order data and functionality:

  • Hide WO amount option doesn’t let users see the work order amount.

  • Hide WO print button option doesn’t let users print out the repair order.

  • Hide Invoice button option doesn’t let users open invoice printouts.

  • Hide service amount option doesn’t let users see the service price.

  • Can edit price option allows users to modify service price

  • Can edit quantity option allows users to modify service quantity

  • Can edit vendor price option allows users to modify service vendor price

To deny client users to see and use repair order data and functionality

  • Select the check box next to the appropriate options for the appropriate client user roles, and then click Update Settings.


You can assign labor skills to phases and technicians to set a default technician per ‘skill & phase’ combination so even if several skills are assigned to the same phase, you can define the technician that has this or that skill within the phase

To assign a skill to phase and technician

  • Select a phase in the 'Phase' column, and then select the appropriate team and technician.

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