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Teams (Overview)
Written by Allie Ray
Updated over 3 years ago

A team is a group of employees who perform certain services for your company clients. You can create internal teams for your company’s staff and vendor teams for your subcontractors’ staff.

Note Your Back Office application has the default team which is created automatically, so if you have a small company with few employees, you can use the default team without creating new teams.

Teams List

On the Teams page, you can add, edit, and delete teams.

  • To add a new team, click Add on the toolbar, enter settings, and click OK.

  • To modify an existing team, click Edit next to the appropriate team, change settings, and click OK.

  • To remove an existing team, click Delete next to the appropriate team, and click Yes, in the confirmation message.

You can search teams by the Team Name or Location, Type, and Time Zone.

  • To find a team, in the Search pane, enter the appropriate filter settings, and then click Search.

On the Teams page, you can also open the following pages:

  • Team Guest Employees

  • Team Managers

  • States/Provinces

  • Service Prices

  • Vendor Services

  • Audit Log

Team Guest  Employees

Team Guest Employees are employees from other teams. They can work in the given team from time to time and get commissions for the work they do.

Note Team Guest Employees cannot log in on devices of the given team, but they can be assigned to services of the given team.

To add a team guest employee

  • On the Teams page, in the Guests column, click the Guests link next to the appropriate team.

  • On the Team Guest Employees page, click the box or the down-pointing arrow, click the appropriate employee in the list, click Add, and then click Update.

Tip To delete a team guest employee, click Delete next to the appropriate team guest employee.

Team Managers

Team Managers are the Back Office users whose access to data is limited by their team scope. For example, they have access to inspections, work orders, and invoices created or assigned to employees of the team that they manage.

Note Only users with the Team Work Manager role and the Team Administrator role can be team managers.

To add a team manager

  • On the Teams page, in the Managers column, click the Managers link next to the appropriate team.

  • On the Team Managers page, click the box or the down-pointing arrow, click the appropriate user in the list, click Add, and then click Update.

Tip To delete a team manager, click Delete next to the appropriate team manager.


States (provinces) are used to identify the tax rate applied for the given team.

To assign a state or province to the team

  • On the Teams page, in the Tax Rates column, click the States/Provinces link next to the appropriate team.

  • On the Assigned States/Provinces page, select the check box next to the appropriate state or province, and then click Update.

Service Prices

Service prices are used to set different prices for different teams so that when technicians from a particular team add a service to inspections and work orders, service price can be automatically adjusted based on team price settings.

  • On the Teams page, click the Service Prices link next to the appropriate team.

  • Click the appropriate service in the Services box, and then in the Service Package box, specify whether area price is set for all service packages to which this service is added (Any Service Group), or just for the default service package (All Services).

  • Enter the appropriate price in the Wholesale Price box and the Retail Price box, if needed, change the current date in the Effective Date box, and then click Add.

  • If needed, add as many different team prices for different effective dates as you want, and then click Save Prices

Note You can also set team price directly in the service profile. 

Vendor Services

Vendor Services are services assigned to particular teams (either vendor or internal).

To assign a service to a team

  • On the Teams page, in the Service Assign column, click the Service Assign link next to the appropriate team.

  • On the Vendor Services page, click the appropriate repair location in the Location box, and click the appropriate work order type in the WO Type box.

  • Click the appropriate services in the box on the left, and then click the button with the right-pointing arrow to move selected services to the box on the right, enter the price of services in the Price column, and then click Update.

Note If work order type includes bundle services, bundle service items are shown separately, so you can assign not only bundle services but also their items to vendor teams. If you assign a bundle service to a vendor team, and click Update, then all its items will be assigned to the vendor team automatically.

Tip You can select the check box in the Default column next to a vendor service, if you want this service to be assigned to the given team by default (even if this service is added to work orders by employees from other teams).

Audit Log

Audit Log shows you the history of changes made to the given team.

  • To open the Audit Log page, on the Teams page, click the Audit Log icon next to the appropriate team.

On the Audit Log page you can see the following columns:

  • Date & Time

  • User

  • Changes

Team Settings

When you create a new team or edit an existing team, you enter or change settings in the team profile.

In the Team dialog, box you can enter the following settings:

  • Name

  • Time Zone allows selecting a time zone where the team locates or using the company’s time zone.

  • Description

  • Accounting ID is used for integration with third-party applications.

  • Area is used to assign the team to a particular area.

  • Timesheet Type is used to assign the team to a particular timesheet type.

  • HOUSE Account is usually used for services that cannot be assigned to a particular employee from the team. For example, if such a service as Waste Removal Fee must be added to the team work order, you can assign it to the HOUSE account.

  • Default Technician is used in some workflows or integrations for assigning an employee by default, for example, when a work order is created automatically after inspection approval.

  • Default Repair Location is a repair location that is selected by default while creating or editing a work order on a device.

  • Additional Repair Locations allows selecting a repair location, which is different from the default repair location, while creating or editing a work order on a device.

  • Team Type defines whether the team members are your company’s staff or your vendor’s staff. If you select the Vendor type, additional settings appear in the Team dialog box, so that you can enter the following vendor information:

  • Company

  • Address

  • Address 2

  • City

  • Country

  • State/Province

  • ZIP/Postal Code

  • Email

  • Phone

  • Do not allow RO statuses changing does not let vendor employees who have access to the Back Office application change repair order status.

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