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Service Packages (Overview)
Written by Allie Ray
Updated over a week ago

A service package is a set of services that are grouped for a particular purpose.

For example, you can assign a service package to a work order type, so that when you create a work order of this type, only services added to this package can be shown.

Optional Subscriptions:

  • Features: Bundles, FeeBundles, AdviserCommissionsReport, TechnicianCommissionsReport, ServiceEffectiveDates

Service Packages List

On the 'Service Packages' page you can add, edit, and delete service packages, as well as add services to service packages.

  • To add a service package, click Add on the toolbar, enter settings in the Service Package dialog box, and click OK.

  • To modify an existing service package, click Edit next to the appropriate service package, change settings in the Service Package dialog box, and click OK.

  • To delete an existing service package, click Delete next to the appropriate service package, and click OK in the message box.

  • To see the history of changes, click Audit Log next to the appropriate service package.

  • To add service package items (services) to a service package, click the Services link next to the appropriate service package.

Note You cannot delete the default service package (All Services). You cannot delete service packages of the 'Exterior Inspection' or 'Interior Inspection' form type, if they are used in visual inspections of at least one inspection type.

Service Package Settings

When you add a new service package or edit an existing service package, you enter or change settings in the service package profile.

In the 'Service Package' dialog box you can enter the following settings:

  • Name

  • Package Type determines how services in this service package can be used. This setting is available if your Back Office application is subscribed to the Bundles feature.

  • Package means that services from this service package can be used for inspections and work orders to which type this service package is assigned.

  • Bundle means that services from this service package can be used as bundle items in services of the Bundle price type.

  • Fee Bundle means that services from this service package can be used as fee bundle items in services of the Fee Bundle price type. This option is available if your Back Office application is subscribed to the FeeBundles feature.

  • Form Type determines the type of screen on which services of this service package are shown.

  • Exterior Inspection means that services of this service package can be shown on the Visual screen of exterior inspection visual form.

  • Interior Inspection means that services of this service package can be shown on the Visual screen of interior inspection visual form.

  • Order means that services of this service package can be shown on the Services screen of inspections and work orders.

  • Is Marketing indicates whether this service package can be assigned to inspection types and work order types.

  • Technician Commissions defines how technician commissions are calculated for services in this service package. This setting is available if your Back Office application is subscribed to the TechnicianCommissionsReport feature.

  • Advisor Commissions defines how advisor commissions are calculated for services in this service package. This setting is available if your Back Office application is subscribed to the AdviserCommissionsReport feature.

Note If you select the 'Bundle' or 'Bundle Fee' package type, the 'Name' is the only setting you can enter.

Service Package Items

On the 'Service Package Items' page, you can add, edit, and delete services, as well as set a default service and set order in which services are shown.

  • To add a package item, click Add on the toolbar, enter settings in the Package Item dialog box, and click OK.

  • To add multiple package items at once, tap Add Multiple on the toolbar, enter settings in the Package Items dialog box, and click OK.

  • To modify an existing package item, click Edit next to the appropriate package item, change settings in the Service Package dialog box, and click OK.

  • To delete an existing package item, click Delete next to the appropriate package item, and click OK in the message box.

  • To set a package item as default, click Set as Default next to the appropriate package item.

  • To set the order in which package items are shown on mobile device, click Up or Down next to the appropriate package item.

Tip You can also drag and drop package items to sort them.

Note Some options on the 'Service Package Items' page are specific only for particular form type or package type:

On the 'Service Package Items' page of the 'Interior Inspection' form type and the 'Exterior Inspection' form type

  • You can add services with the Money, Labor, and Percentage price types only.

  • You can set a default service for each service type.

  • You can filter services by their service type.

  • Services are grouped by their service type.

On the 'Service Package Items' page of the 'Bundle' package type

  • You can add services with the Money, Labor, and Percentage price types only.

On the 'Service Package Items' page of the 'Fee Bundle' package type

  • You can add services with the Money and Percentage price types only.

  • Each service has the Services link that opens the Fee Item page.

On the 'Fee Item' page, you can assign services to the given fee item.

Package Item Settings

When you add a new package item or edit an existing package item, you enter or change settings in the package item profile.

In the 'Package Item' dialog box you can enter the following settings:

  • Package Price defines service price in this service package. If you remove package price, it becomes equal to wholesale price.

  • Is Required means that this service is automatically added while creating an inspection or a work order, and there is no way to remove it.

  • Technician Commissions and Commissions Mode define how technician commissions are calculated for this service in this service package. These settings are available if your Back Office application is subscribed to the TechnicianCommissionsReport feature.

  • Effective Date/Price specifies a date when a different price becomes effective instead of the package price. This setting is available if your Back Office application is subscribed to the ServiceEffectiveDates feature.

When you add multiple package items, you enter the above mentioned settings in the Package Items dialog box.

  • To add multiple package items, move the appropriate services from the Available Services box to the Assigned Services box, enter settings, and then click OK.

Note All services in the 'Assigned Services' box are added with the same settings.

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