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Client Users (Overview)
Written by Allie Ray
Updated over a week ago

A client user is a member of client’s staff that can log in to the Back Office application to work with client’s service requests, inspections, work orders, repair orders, invoices, reports, etc.

Client Users List

On the Client Users page, you can add, edit, and delete client users, as well as assign them to other clients.

  • To add a new client user, click Add on the toolbar, enter settings, and click OK

  • To modify an existing client user, click Edit next to the appropriate client user, change settings, and click OK.

  • To delete an existing client user, click Delete next to the appropriate client user, and click OK in the message box.

  • To assign an existing client user to other clients, in the Clients column, click the Clients link next to the appropriate client user, and then add clients on the Assigned Clients page.

Note When a new client user account is created for a client user who has not yet been registered, the registration email with a confirmation link is automatically sent to client user’s email address. Client user must click the confirmation link, and then enter and confirm the password in the Registration form.

Tip In the Status column you can see whether client users are registered. If some client users did not set their password, the Not Confirmed message is shown, so you can click Re-send to send the registration email again.

You can find client users by name, email address, and client they are assigned to.

  • In the Search pane, select the appropriate client in the Client box, enter name or email address in the User box, and then click Find.

Assigned Clients

On the Assigned Clients page, you can assign the given client user to multiple clients.

To assign client user to a client

  • Click the appropriate client in the box, click Add, and then click Update Clients.

Tip To remove client assignment, click Delete next to the appropriate client.

Client User Settings

When you create a new client user account or edit an existing client user account, you enter or change settings in the client user profile.

In the Client User dialog box you can enter the following settings:

  • Email acts as username when client user logs in to the Back Office application.

  • Customer lets select a wholesale customer to which the given client user is assigned. If you select the 'All Retail Clients' check box, you cannot assign the client user to wholesale clients.

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Company

  • Address

  • City

  • Country State/Province

  • ZIP/Postal Code

  • Phone

  • Accounting ID is used for integration with third-party applications.  

  • Allow creating support tickets lets client users submit support cases to the AMT Support System.

  • Comments


Roles control client users’ access to client’s data in the Back Office application.

  • Client is an administrative role that has more permissions than any other client user’s role.     

  • Client Accountant is a role that provides client users with access to most of the client’s data.

  • Client Monitor Manager is a role that lets client users work with Monitor and its dashboards, some operational and reporting data. Client users with the Client Monitor Manager role can change the status of repair orders.

  • Client Monitor Manager - Read Only is a role that provides the same kind of access as the Client Monitor Manager role, however in the read-only mode only (without ability to change anything). If the Client Monitor Manager - Read Only role is selected, you cannot select any other role.

  • Client Inspector is a role that lets client users approve or decline client’s inspections.

Note Features available for client users depend on your application subscriptions. For example, if you want client users to see work orders, the ClientWorkOrders feature must be turned on for your Back Office application.

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