Monitor Dashboard
You can now monitor your repair processes using a new dashboard that has the following sections:
‘Cars in Inventory’ chart shows how many vehicles are at the location now, how many of them are completed, on track, and past due.
‘Performance Overview’ metrics show the average time of recon phases and repair cycle, average recon spend, average number of repairs completed within the last 30 days.
‘Phase Breakdown’ table shows how many cars are now in each phase, if they are on track or past due, average recon time and idle time in each phase for the last 30 days.
‘Attention Needed’ counters show how many repairs have problems, overdue parts, how many repairs are on hold, past due, etc.
Note Please make sure your user role has the appropriate permission to see the dashboard.
Important! Users with the following roles have access to the dashboard (based on their role scope, for example, area managers can see the data of their area only):
Team Administrator
Team Work Manager
Area Administrator
Area Work Manager
Sales Person Monitor Manager
Client Accountant
Client Inspector
Client Monitor Manager
Client Monitor Manager - Read Only
Custom Role