Support for MOTOR car-specific parts catalogs in repair bundles
If a service with the ‘Repair Bundle’ price type is assigned to the ‘MOTOR car-specific parts’ catalog, when you add this service to an inspection or a work order, you can find the necessary part and select the appropriate labor time.
Support for MOTOR car-specific labor catalogs
If a service with the ‘Labor’ or ‘Repair Bundle’ price type is assigned to the ‘MOTOR car-specific labor’ catalog, when you add this service to an inspection or a work order, you can find the necessary labor and select the appropriate time for it.
Support for catalog default settings
If a catalog item inherited default settings...
...when you select this catalog item, the default settings are populated and cannot be changed.
Auto calculate bundle amount
If the ‘Autocalculate bundle amount’ checkbox is selected for a service with the ‘Bundle’ price type...
...the total amount of this service will be calculated automatically as the sum of its selected items.
Select a skill for the ‘Sublet’ repair operation
When you add a service with the ‘Sublet’ repair operation to service requests, inspections, and work orders, you can now select a labor skill necessary to perform the service.
Send invoices as multiple emails
When you send multiple invoices by email you can send them either as a single email or multiple emails.
Labor parts info visibility has been improved
We have improved the text visibility on the ‘Parts’ screen of labor services with the ‘Base Vehicle Data’ data source so that you can see the full text of parts information.