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ReconPro mobile app 3.6.8

What’s new in ReconPro mobile app 3.6.8 for Android and iOS devices

Written by Allie Ray
Updated over 4 years ago

Showing the VIN and Stock# in the wizard toolbar

We have replaced the entity number at the bottom toolbar of the wizard with the VIN and Stock # to display more important information on the screen.

Note The VIN is trimmed to the last six characters (serial number).

Improved search in part categorization

With the ‘Search as you type’ feature that we have implemented for part categorization, you don’t need to tap the ‘Search’ button on the keyboard when you search for a part.

Note Search results are available once you type at least three characters.

Showing the ‘Done’ button for free text and multi-select questions

On the ‘Questions’ screen, we have replaced the ‘Save’ button with the ‘Done’ button in the multi-select questions for a better user experience. We have also added the ‘Done’ button to the free text questions so that you can hide the keyboard when you finish typing.

Showing the ‘Save’ button on the ‘Question Services’ screen

We have replaced the ‘Back’ button with the ‘Save’ button on the ‘Question Services’ screen to avoid the ambiguity of whether your changes have been saved or not.

Showing the ‘Save’ button on the ‘Notes’ screen

We have added the ‘Save’ button to the ‘Notes’ screen, so now when you want to save the changes you tap the ‘Save’ button, and when you make no changes or you want to leave without saving the changes you can tap the ‘Back’ button.

Note If you make any changes and then tap the ‘Back’ button, you will see the appropriate warning message.

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