Labor Time Services are labor services which time value is automatically adjusted in accordance with industry standard time required to perform a typical operation (remove & install, remove & replace, etc.) for a particular vehicle part (wheel, bumper, etc.).
Industry standard labor time can be taken from the following sources:
Basic Average Data Source adjusts the labor time value based on vehicle type denoted by VIN.
Base Vehicle Data Source adjusts the labor time value based on vehicle’s make, model, and year.
Note One labor time service can use only one source.
Required Subscriptions:
Features: Labor Price Type
CommissionHourlyRate - to show Labor Time Box in Old Back office
Before you start configuring labor time services please make sure that appropriate vehicle parts are associated with appropriate labor panels.
On the Company tab, click Vehicle Parts.
On the Vehicle Parts page, click Edit next to the appropriate part.
In the Vehicle Part dialog box, click the appropriate panel in the Labor Panel box, and then click OK.
Tip You can add custom vehicle parts and assign them to the appropriate labor panels.
Basic workflow:
1. Select labor time source and operation
Basic Average Data Source
Base Vehicle Data Source
2. Assign labor time services to vehicle parts
Basic Average Data Source
Base Vehicle Data Source
3. Assign labor time services to vehicle parts in price matrix (optional)
4. Assign labor time services to bundle packages (optional)
5. Add labor time services to inspections and work orders
Basic Average Data Source
Base Vehicle Data Source
6. Add labor time services to inspections and work orders while adding parts
Select labor time source and operation
You can select a labor time source and operation when you create a new labor time service or edit an existing labor service.
On the Company tab, click Services, and then click Add on the toolbar or click Edit next to the appropriate labor service.
In the Service dialog box, click Labor in the Price Type box, select the Use Labor Times check box, click the appropriate source in the Source box, click the appropriate operation in the Operation box, select the Required check box next to the Vehicle Parts link, and then click OK.
Important! The Vehicle Parts: Required check box must be selected for a labor time service to make sure that service cannot be added to an inspection or a work order without a vehicle part.
Basic Average Data Source
The Basic Average Data source uses the operations table that contains standard labor time values which are specific per operation, vehicle part, and vehicle type.
Note The operation table is provided by Collision Industry Electronic Commerce Association (CIECA) that develops uniform standards for automotive industry software.
Tip You need to create as many labor time services as many operations from the operation list your technicians can perform.
Base Vehicle Data Source
The Base Vehicle Data source defines standard labor time values which are specific per operation, vehicle panel, vehicle part, as well as vehicle’s make, model, and year.
Tip If you select (All) operations, technicians can select one of operations available for a particular panel and part, but if you select a particular operation, technicians will not be able to select a different operation for a particular vehicle panel and part.
Assign labor time services to vehicle parts
You can assign labor time services to vehicle parts in several ways:
1. In the Service dialog box
Click the Vehicle Parts link, and then move the appropriate vehicle parts from the Available box to the Assigned box, and click Update.
2. On the Services page
Point to the Select button in the Action column next to the appropriate labor time service, and then clicking Vehicle Parts.
3. In the Vehicle Part dialog box:
On the Company tab, click Vehicle Parts, and then click Edit next to the appropriate vehicle part.
In the Vehicle Part dialog box, move the labor time service from the Available Services box to the Assigned Services box, and then click OK.
Important! The list of services or vehicle parts available for assignment depends on selected labor time data source.
Basic Average Data Source
Labor time services with the Basic Average Data source allow assigning only vehicle parts related to selected operation.
Note The list of available vehicle parts is filtered based on selected operation, so that you cannot see vehicle parts related to other operations.
For example, if you selected the R&I Roof operation, only the Roof vehicle part will be available.
Note When you assign services in the Vehicle Part dialog box, labor time services with other operations are also not available for assignment.
Base Vehicle Data Source
Labor time services with the Base Vehicle Data source allow assigning vehicle parts based on selected operation.
For example, if you select (All) in the Operation box of a service, then all vehicle parts will be available for assignment...
...and if you select a particular operation in the Operation box of a service, ex.: Remove & Install, then only related vehicle parts will be available for assignment.
Assign labor time services to vehicle parts in price matrix
You can assign labor time services to vehicle parts in price matrices…
...and these labor time services will be shown as additional services for the appropriate vehicle parts in price matrix services on device.
Assign labor time services to bundle packages
You can add labor time services to bundle packages…
...and these services will be shown as subitems of bundle services on device.
Add labor time services to inspection and work orders
The way that you add a labor time service to inspections or work orders depends on its data source.
Basic Average Data Source
To add a labor time service with the Basic Average Data source to an inspection or a work order in mobile app
On the Vehicle screen, scan or type VIN, and then on the Services screen, tap the circle with the arrow on the right side of the appropriate labor time service.
On the Details screen, tap Vehicle Part, and then on the Vehicle Parts screen, tap the appropriate vehicle part, and tap Save.
On the Details screen, make sure that the standard labor time is appropriate, and then tap Save.
Note If no VIN is entered, the default Time value of labor time services is 1.0; if an invalid VIN is entered, the Time value of labor time services is shown for the general vehicle type (Car type)
Tip If the standard labor time is not appropriate, you can change it.
Base Vehicle Data Source
To add a labor time service with the Base Vehicle Data source to an inspection or a work order in mobile app
On the Vehicle screen, enter vehicle’s make, model, and year, and then on the Services screen, tap the circle with the arrow on the right side of the appropriate labor time service.
On the Details screen, tap the circle with the arrow on the right side of the Time field, and then, on the Labor Time screen, tap the appropriate panel and part.
Tap Done, so that default labor time can be automatically adjusted based on actual labor time for the given vehicle.
Note The name of the selected panel and part is automatically added to service notes.
Tip If needed, you can manually change the adjusted labor time value.
If multiple multiple vehicle parts are assigned to the labor time service, you can select the necessary vehicle parts... that labor time can be automatically adjusted in each service created for selected vehicle parts.
Important! If you don’t enter vehicle make, model, and year, or information on selected panels for the given vehicle cannot be found online, then you will see the appropriate messages.
Add labor time services to inspections and work orders while adding parts
You can add labor services to inspections and work orders when you add or edit a parts service.
On the Services screen, tap the appropriate part service, and then specify the service part on the Details screen, if it has not been selected yet.
Once the service part is selected, the Labor Service field appears, so that you can tap it and add necessary labor services.
Note If the Multiple check box is not selected for a labor service in the Back Office application, then you can add such labor service together with a part service only once, i.e. already added labor service will not be shown in the list if you tap the Labor Services field again.
After saving the part service, labor services will be selected on the Services screen, and the total amount will be updated accordingly.
The same way you can add labor services while adding a part service as additional service to a price matrix service.
On the Vehicle Part screen, tap the appropriate part service, and then specify the service part on the Details screen, if it has not been selected yet.
Once the service part is selected, the Labor Service field appears, so that you can tap it and add necessary labor services.
After saving the part service, labor services will be selected on the Vehicle Part screen and the total amount will be updated accordingly.
The same way you can add labor services while adding a part service to a bundle service.
On the Bundle screen, tap the appropriate part service, and then specify the service part on the Details screen, if it has not been selected yet.
Once the service part is selected, the Labor Service field appears, so that you can tap it and add necessary labor services.
After saving the part service, labor services will be selected on the Bundle screen and the total amount will be updated accordingly.
When you add a labor service with the Use Labor Times settings and the Base Vehicle Data source to an inspection or a work order...
...the information on panel and part selected for labor time... shown as service notes not only on the Details screen, but also in the service list.
Note The same way labor time notes are shown in the list of additional services of price matrix service, in the list view of visual inspections, in the service list automatically created based on question answers, and when you add labor services together with a part service.