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Hourly Rate Commissions
Written by Allie Ray
Updated over 6 months ago

You can set up automatic calculation of commissions based on technician hourly rate and service labor time.

Required Subscriptions

  • Features: CommissionsHourlyRate, Employee Hourly Rate, PricePerCustomer (optional), TechnicianNewCommissionsReport

To set up hourly rate commissions

  1. Create an hourly rate rule for a commission profile

  2. Specify an hourly rate for an employee

  3. Assign the employee to the commission profile with the hourly rate rule

  4. Specify a labor time for services

  5. Specify a labor time for client services (Optional)

  6. Generate a report with hourly rate commissions

To create an hourly rate rule for a commission profile

  • On the Company tab, click Commission Types, click the Profiles link next to the appropriate commission type, click the Rules link next to the appropriate profile, and then click Add on the toolbar.

  • In the Rule dialog box, enter the name in the Name box, click Per Service Level in the Rule Type box, click Hourly Rate in the Calculation Method box, and then click OK.

To specify an hourly rate for an employee

  • On the Company tab, click Employees, and then on the Employees page, click Edit next to the appropriate employee.

  • In the Employee dialog box, enter the appropriate value in the Hourly Rate box, and then click OK.

Note Make sure that the Use Commission Profiles option is selected.

Tip You can also click the (per Client) link and specify a different hourly rate for particular clients.

To assign the employee to the commission profile with the hourly rate rule

  • On the Employees page, click the Profiles link in the Commissions column next to the appropriate employee.

  • On the New Commission Profiles page, in the Profiles column, select the commission profile with the rule that has the Hourly Rate calculation method, and then click the Save Profiles button.

To specify a labor time for a service

  • On the Company tab, click Services, and then on the Services page, click Edit next to the appropriate service with the Money price type.

  • In the Services dialog box, enter the appropriate value in the Labor Time box, and then click OK.

Note Labor Time for services with the Labor price type equals the Time value which is specified on the device while adding labor services to work orders.

To specify a labor time for a client service

  • On the Company tab, click Clients, and then on the Clients page, click the Services link in the Services column next to the appropriate client.

  • On the Client Services page, click the appropriate package in the Service Package box, and then click Edit next to the appropriate service.

  • In the Client Service dialog box, enter the appropriate value in the Labor Time box, and then click OK.

Important! If you haven’t set a client price for a client service, the client price equals service price or package price by default, so when you set only a labor time for this client service, you must remove the value in the Client Price box before saving the client service, otherwise the value in the Client Price box will be considered as specified client price.

Tip You can also specify labor time for a client service, by clicking the Clients link in the Service dialog box.

To generate a report with hourly rate commissions

  • On the Reports tab, click Technician Commissions (New), and then on the Technician Commissions page, in the Search pane, enter the appropriate filter settings, and click Search.

Tip You can click the Service Level link next to the appropriate service to see the details of hourly rate commissions.

Important! Now commissions is recalculated automatically at 2:24 AM PST, 11 AM PST, 9:09 PM PST, so commissions for today’s invoices will be shown in the Technician Commissions (New) report tomorrow.

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