On the Company tab, click Commission Types, and then on the Commission
Types page, click the Profiles link next to the appropriate commission type.ย
On the Commission Profiles page, click Add on the toolbar.
In the Commission Profile dialog box, enter the appropriate settings, and then click OK.
Commission profile settings:
Profile Scope allows selecting the range of revenue from which commissions are calculated: All Revenues (all invoices), Area Revenues (invoices with services assigned to employees from teams of particular area), Team Revenues (invoices with services assigned to employees from particular team), or Employee Revenues (invoices with services assigned to particular employee).
Profile Periods allows selecting the period of time for which commissions are calculated: Month-to-Date (from the beginning of the current month up to the current date), Last Month (from the first day through the last day of the last month), Last Week (from Sunday through Saturday of the last week), or Last 24 (from 12:00 am to 11:59 pm of yesterday).
Exclude Service Expenses means that commissions will be calculated from invoice amount which excludes service expenses (if any).
Exclude Service Advisor Commissions means that technician commissions will be calculated from invoice amount that excludes service advisor commissions (if any).
Ignore skipped services for completed work orders defines whether repair order services in the Skipped status must be disregarded when calculating commissions from invoiced work orders.
Allow Negative Commissions means that commissions with a negative value will not be automatically reset to zero value (for example, when service expenses are greater than service amount or when commissions are calculated from a service with a negative amount).
Invoice Statuses to Process allows selecting statuses of invoices from which commissions will be calculated: Approved, Draft, Export Failed, Export Not Required, Exported, and New.
Billing Status allows selecting the billing status of invoices from which commissions will be calculated: Paid, Unpaid, or Both (paid and unpaid).
Invoice Amount Range allows specifying the lowest (From) and the highest (To) threshold amount of invoices from which commissions will be calculated.