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Tiered Commissions

Encourage your employees to achieve higher levels of performance by setting a tiered commission structure.

Written by Allie Ray
Updated over 3 years ago

You can set up tiered commissions for calculating commissions based on different ranges of invoices amount.

For example, if the invoice amount is from $1 through $100, then the employee or sales advisor gets 1% commissions, if the invoice amount is from $101 through $200, then 2% commissions, and so on.

Required Subscriptions

  • Features: New Commission Types, New Commission Rule, TechnicianNewCommissionsReport, CommissionHourlyRate, ServiceAdvisorSalesReport, SalesAdviserPerformanceReport

To set up tiered commissions

  1. Create a commission type (optional)

  2. Create a commission profile

  3. Create a commission rule

  4. Create commission tiers

  5. Assign commission profile to employees

To create a commission type

  • On the Company tab, click Commission Types, and then click Add on the toolbar.

  • In the Commission Type dialog box, enter the commission type name, and then click OK.

Note You can add tiered commissions profile to an existing commission type; however, you should take into account that you can assign an employee or sales advisor only to one commission profile of the same commission type.

To create a commission profile

  • Click the Profiles link next to the appropriate commission type, and then click Add on the toolbar.

  • In the Commission Profile dialog box, enter the commission profile name, select profile scope, select profile period, and then click OK.

Note Profile scope and profile period determine what invoices will be used for commissions calculation. For example, if you select the All Revenue scope and the Last Week period, then employee commissions will be calculated from all invoices for the last week.

Important! Profile scope is not applied to profiles assigned to sales advisors.

Profile Scope:

  • If you select the All Revenue scope, then commissions will be calculated from the total amount of all invoices.

  • If you select the Area Revenue scope, then commissions will be calculated from the total amount of invoices that include services assigned to employees from teams that belong to the same area as the team of an employee to which this profile is assigned.

  • If you select the Team Revenues scope, then commissions will be calculated from the total amount of invoices that include services assigned to employees from the same team with an employee to which this profile is assigned.

  • If you select the Employee Revenues scope, then commissions will be calculated from the total amount of invoices that include services assigned to an employee to which this profile is assigned.

Profile Period:

  • If you select the Day period, then commissions will be calculated from yesterday’s invoices (Invoice Date is yesterday).

  • If you select the Last Week period, then commissions will be calculated from last week’s invoices (Invoice Date is any from Sunday through Saturday of the last week).

  • If you select the Last Month period, then commissions will be calculated from last month’s invoices (Invoice Date is any from the first day through the last day of the month).

To create a commission rule

  • Click the Rules link next to the appropriate profile, and then click Add on the toolbar.

  • In the Rule dialog box, enter the rule name, select the Per Invoice Level type, select the calculation method, and then click OK.

Note Calculation method determines the units that will be used for commissions calculation.

  • If you select the Percent(Gross) method then commissions will be calculated as a percent from the amount with surcharges (if any).

  • If you select the Percent(Net) method then commissions will be calculated as a percent from the amount with surcharges (if any) and discounts (if any).

  • If you select the Money method then a fixed money amount will be used for calculating commissions.

To create a commission tier

  • Click Edit next to the appropriate commission rule, click Add New Record on the Tiers toolbar, enter a value, fixed low limit, high limit, and click the Create button.

  • Add as many tiers as you need, and then click OK.

To assign the commission profile to an employee

  • On the Employees page, click the Profiles link in the Commissions column next to the appropriate employee.

  • On the New Commission Profiles page, in the Profiles column, select the commission profile with the tiered commissions rule, and then click the Save Profiles button.

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