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Service Types (Overview)
Written by Allie Ray
Updated over 5 years ago

Service type defines the damage icon which is shown for a particular type of services when technicians specify required services on device during visual inspection.

Service Types List

On the Service Types page you can add, edit, and delete service types.

  • To add a new service type, click Add on the toolbar, enter settings, and click OK.

  • To modify an existing service type, click Edit next to the appropriate service type, change settings, and click OK.

  • To remove an existing service type, click Delete next to the appropriate service type, and then click OK in the confirmation message.

  • To set a service type as default, click Set as Default next to the appropriate service type.

Note You cannot remove the default service type.

Tip You can click the Audit Log icon click next to the appropriate service type to see the history of changes on the Audit Log page.

Service Type Settings

When you create a new service type or edit an existing service type, you enter or change settings in the service type profile.

In the Service Type dialog box you can enter the following settings:

  • Service Type is the name of the service type.

  • Description

  • Damage is used to select a damage icon for the service type.

  • Set as Default is used to make the service type default.

Damage Icons

You can rename available damage to make them more specific to the range of services your company provides to clients.

To change the name of a damage icon, click Edit next to the appropriate damage icon, and then in the Damage Icon dialog box, enter a new name in the Damage box, and click OK.

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